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Block schedules

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We did a a 'block' schedule with my senior this year. She finished the fall semester doing the easy/fun subjects...English, Japanese, Economics. And she's doing Algebra 2 and Astronomy now in the spring. (She's also doing just a little more English and Japanese... mainly to get the 'time' in so her credits will be valid)


It has worked so well, that I'm considering a block schedule for my soon to be 10th grader and 12th grader. Three classes per semester. My 10th grader will able to do a credit in math in one semester, but my 12th grader will take the whole year to do her math and her chemistry.


I'm also considering a one week intensive writing 'seminar' each semester. Taking one week in the fall and one week in the spring and ONLY teach writing for that one week. Then they can practice essays, reports, reserach all semester long.


Has anyone else had a good experience with doing a full credit in one semester?


Has anyone else done a similar week of intensive writing instruction?




Don't you love all the thinking/ planning/ reseraching posts at this time of year??!!!!

Edited by Pam L in Mid Tenn
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My son has been taking concurrent courses this past year. I know it's a bit different in that I'm not doing the teaching, but in reality, he is still earning a full (high school) credit for his courses each semester. This semester is he taking College Algebra, Spanish 2, and Music Appreciation along with Great Books and Government here at home (actually in our co-op). Last fall he took Spanish 1 and Microcomputer Applications along with his home courses that were spread over the year.


I think block scheduling is a great idea and we just implement it a bit differently by using concurrent college courses.

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