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Need input on science for my 8th grader for next year.


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I'm contemplating science for my dd1 for next year. She'll be 13, rising 8th grader. Math-wise: She's completed MUS Pre-Algebra and is about 1/3 of the way done with Life of Fred: Beginning Algebra. She will continue with LoF and also MUS Algebra I next year. We tried BJU Life Science this year and just couldn't do it--it was SO dry and boring. We moved on and have pieced together our own curriculum to cover Human Anatomy (using Lyrical Life Science and lots of supplementary books & materials). Now I'm debating between just piecing together an "Earth Science" for next year (again using Lyrical Earth science and supplementing with other books & materials) OR switching to Apologia Physical Science.


Can anyone help me think this through or make other suggestions? My husband is a science teacher, but only has experience with typical "textbooks" that the school system uses. We are Christian and I would prefer a curriculum that is Christian, but without the heavy bias/overtones that we experienced with BJU Life Science.

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We are finished up Apologia General Science (7th) this year and will be starting the Physical Science right afterward. I'm doing my two girls together for science, one is in 6th and one is in 7th. They both have enjoyed Apologia this year. They didn't like the Apologia Elementary Science a few years ago so it was a gamble to use Apologia this year. As it turned out, the upper level science is more challenging and they love the experiments. I bought the experiment kit (extravagant I know) but it has saved me so much running around trying to collect stuff that it was well worth it because all of the experiments (50+) are getting done! Sooooo-my vote is for upper level Apologia.

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Thanks for the input!


If you don't mind me asking, what is your plan for high school? If you homeschool all the way through, what sciences are you planning to cover and in which order? (and if you really don't mind me being nosy, what are your corresponding math plans?)

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We are using Apologia Physical Science for 7th (this year).


I like how the info. is presented in Apologia and DS likes to read the text and do the labs. I don't know much about other science programs but we think the tests in Apologia are too easy. I use the tests in the TM but add to them to create more of a challenge for DS.


Our plan for 8th grade is Apologia Biology (1st sem.) and Marine Biology (2nd semester).

Our tentative plan for 9th grade is Chemistry.


DS is currently working through Chalkdust Elementary Algebra and will move to Chalkdust Geometry (I think) when he is finished.

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