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BJU English 2 - opinions?


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Someone gave me a free copy of BJU English 2 (2nd edition), and it looks good to me. We've used FLL 1 and WWE 1 this year, which in general I like, but find FLL a little dry (my dd tolerates it OK).


Since I'd only have to buy a workbook, I'm tempted to try it out either in addition or instead of FLL2 (I'll probably not use most of the writing, and continue with WWE2).


Has anyone used this that can tell me if they and/or their dc liked it? Especially in comparison to FLL? Do later grades of BJU get into explicit diagramming like FLL does?


BJU materials are very appealing to me for some reason -- I think its the color and formatting of the TM's.



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Yeah, we use BJU Spelling and it's pretty good! It's great the way the lists are broken down into word families - and my kids like the colors/pictures. I like their English also - very much a textbook format, but it resembles the way I was taught grammar in school.


The only reason I don't use their English and Reading is because it is a very expensive program - if you have 4 kids. :glare:


If you have it for free- I would just use it. I think it's very sound.

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Hello there! :) I am using BJU English 2 this year and love it! I find BJU is very thorough , and also very kid friendly! I tried to use ffl for my dd in 1st grade, and it just wasn't a good fit for our family. My daughter and I needed more of a workbook-y type of curriculum. I own BJU English 3 as well, and it does have diagramming in it ect.. I'm not sure if it has it to the extent of FFL3, but it looks plenty to me! Hope you find the perfect English/Lang for your family!

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Hello there! :) I am using BJU English 2 this year and love it! I find BJU is very thorough , and also very kid friendly! I tried to use ffl for my dd in 1st grade, and it just wasn't a good fit for our family. My daughter and I needed more of a workbook-y type of curriculum. I own BJU English 3 as well, and it does have diagramming in it ect.. I'm not sure if it has it to the extent of FFL3, but it looks plenty to me! Hope you find the perfect English/Lang for your family!



Thanks for the info Lindsay Lamb! I see you're also using WWE 2 with BJU English 2. Do you skip the writing in BJU and just use WWE 2, or do both, or a combination?

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We are using BJU english 2 this year with my dd. I LOVE the grammer portion! But my dd gets so frustrated doing most of the writing portions because she just is not ready for that yet. I have tried going step by step with her but she just isnt ready. So we are switching to R&S next year because that doesnt have writing too young. Not until they have a good grasp of grammer that will make the writing easier. Just my opinion:001_smile:

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Yes, I do skip the writing sections in BJU English 2. I know it may seem silly to some, but it is what works for us. :) You can go online ( ebay etc..) and find the older versions of the BJU English for a lot cheaper. They have an orange cover instead. It still has all the wonderful grammar that the new versions do, but for a fraction of the price!

Hope this helps!:)

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We've used BJU for grades K-3rd English, thus far. I really like their Grammar portions in the workbook. We skip the writing chapters, as doing it the "school way" was very frustrating for both my girls. There is simple diagramming toward the end of gr 3. I really don't use the TM, so just buying the workbook isn't bad price-wise (I think it was $18?). Christian Liberty Press has written their own TM for older grades & these booklets are just a few dollars. But if you already have the TM for 2nd gr, then that will be a cheap way to go.

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