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Amazon reviewers think this masterpiece sucks

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I haven't read the linked article or all the responses yet, but you all are cracking me up! I hope Ellie will reply w/ whatever book it was that made her want to "jab her eyes w/ a hot poker." (I hope I got that quote right.


Thanks for the laughs! I'll read more tomorrow.


I wanted to rinse my brain with bleach after reading You'll Never Make *Tea* in This Town Again. Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, and yuck.


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The Chronicles of Narnia. Now there is an over-rated series!


So there!!! :D :lol:




I didn't enjoy that series either. I thought I was the only one! I also didn't like Frankenstein. Jude the Obscure put me off Thomas Hardy years ago, and I haven't been able to pick up another book of his since.

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Maybe I am missing something here but I clicked the link and skimmed through the blog post to the part about Anne Frank. Reviewers didn't think it was the pits...the book has a 4.5 star rating out of over 600 reviews. I don't call that a book in the tank. Maybe I am missing something there? There were bad reviews but the majority of people didn't review it as bad.... :)


However, as far as classics go, I haven't read most of them yet. I tried Uncle Tom's Cabin....I went through the first couple chapter and it went to slow. I won't read Old Man and the Sea...saw parts of the movie...with a story like that how can the book be better? Love Tom Sawyer..that is an awesome book. Narnia series...love it! We are Anne Frank fans here :)


Although these aren't classic I have to say..the Unfortunate Event Series (Lemony Snicket)...UGH.....none of the kids or I liked them even though we trudged through the whole series. ick ick.

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I admit...I HATE Jane Austen...and I loathe "what's her name" who wrote Little Women...eeeewwww...ugh!




Louisa May Alcott - YUCK!!!! Little Women stunk. I mean, who marries her sister's boyfriend and feels good about it?! AND, the first time I read it, I didn't get it because I thought Jo was a boy and Laurie was a girl and was all confused as to why it was called Little Women and thought the author was getting her pronouns mixed up, and then my father pointed out her name is Josephine, and I decided it was a waste of time.



The Chronicles of Narnia. Now there is an over-rated series!


So there!!! :D :lol:






Seriously though, the whole series is not very good. I didn't even realize I had only read 3 of them until last year when we tried to read the whole series to our girls. The Silver Chair is HORRIBLE!!!! I don't think we ever finished it:lol: My advice, stick to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.


One classic I really dislike is Alice in Wonderland. I just don't get it. My take away from it was "don't smoke crack and write Children's stories." It has no plot, no plan, no real rhyme or reason to the madness. I guess that is what makes it "fun" for kids. I always thought it was boring, weird, and a little creepy...even as a child.


Or maybe it's a lesson that you SHOULD smoke crack to write Children's stories!:smilielol5:


Side note - When I was pregnant with my oldest, I was reading Alice in Wonderland for the first time. DH made me stop because I would sit up in the middle of the night screaming about white rabbits and Jabberwockies and scare the poop out of him:lol: That's why I haven't read it to the girls. . .yet:lol:

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I read a new bio of LM Montgomery and it discussed her own anti-French Canadian feelings. Good analysis in that book, though.


Which Bio was that? I'd be interested in reading it. I didn't read any of her other books beyond the Anne series. I thought they were boring :lol: But, I am into Biographies right now, and especially authors/entertainers. I go back and re-read their books or re-watch their movies and learn so much more about what's really going on. I am going to LOVE high school literature :D


As for Frances Hodgson Burnett, I read somewhere she was very ashamed of the original book and reissued it? I wonder if mine is reissued or not. Probably not because the passage you're talking about is still in there. I thought the tone was that Mary and Martha were ashamed when they discovered their prejudices in that passage, but maybe I was reading more into it because I was teaching it.


I just went looking for the info on the re-write, and I can't find it.:glare: I know when I was researching unit studies for it last year, there was a school district that used an abridged version and said it was because of the racial themes in the beginning of the book. However, I thought the author had approved the abridged version. Who knows. Now, I'll be researching all night until I find it!!!!:tongue_smilie:




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I didn't enjoy that series either. I thought I was the only one! I also didn't like Frankenstein. Jude the Obscure put me off Thomas Hardy years ago, and I haven't been able to pick up another book of his since.


I'll admit -- I tried that Hardy novel and could NOT finish it. I was just left staring at the book saying, "Hey, Jude...don't bring me down.":D


That said, though, I loved Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

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