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No spelling curric?


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I've decided that SWO is busy work. My kids need to learn to spell words that they can't spell, which aren't necessarily in SWO.

Making a list of the words dc spell wrong in their writing each week and then have them and words with similar rules be their spelling rules for the next week. The trouble is, I'm worried dc will only use words that they know how to spell and we'll go no where. Does anyone have experience with this?



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Just a thought! I don't know what it is with SWO. It seems way too easy. But my son started reading very early so maybe that is part of it. I haven't seemed to hit a level that is sufficiently challenging.


Hmmm, I'll think about it. :)

I know what you mean by easy. That's partly why it seems so busy workish.

Thanks for the suggestion.:)

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Another idea is to use Spelling Power by Beverly Adams-Gordon. This works well w/ dd12. There are tests to place student. Then each day there is a 5-minute test using list words. Student only does "work" for words that they miss... if they miss no words then they do no "work" beyond the 5 minute test for that day. Gives dd12 exposure to words she doesn't already commonly use, but doesn't waste time w/ stuff she already knows.

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Another idea is to use Spelling Power by Beverly Adams-Gordon. This works well w/ dd12. There are tests to place student. Then each day there is a 5-minute test using list words. Student only does "work" for words that they miss... if they miss no words then they do no "work" beyond the 5 minute test for that day. Gives dd12 exposure to words she doesn't already commonly use, but doesn't waste time w/ stuff she already knows.



I guess I've been missing the whole point of SP, I always thought it was just another "spell this list" curriculum. You've given me something to think about.:)

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We use dictation for spelling. My kids study a passage, practise words they think they need help with, then take the passage from dictation. We do this 2-3 times a week and I have found great improvement in their spelling. I think that maybe learning words in context has helped them to spell words correctly in their writing. I think that choosing dictation from the books dc are reading is good too, because they are learning to spell the words that they are seeing and reading.


Hope that made sense.:)

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Well, I have the same problem with my children. They have admitted to only using words that they CAN spell... so, I go ahead and have them do SWO. It is really quick and simple, and I do feel like those 10-15 minutes spent on SWO is not wasted. I do, however, take the words they miss on compositions and add them to the SWO list. I also do dictation with them from time to time, but have not been very consistent with it because it is just hard to get to. But, I really think being exposed to new words via SWO helps some. We also do vocabulary and they are required to learn how to spell those words also. I know this may seem like overkill, but my children were very weak in spelling. This has been the first year I have stuck to a spelling program because I believed it was just busy work too. I tried to just take words from their comps.. however, I have to say that I have seen and improvement in their spelling this year. It may be because of SWO, and making them write much, much more than usuaul!!


Hope this helps

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Either "The ABCs And All Their Tricks", or maybe "Megawords". Others here really like "Apples" spelling, which reviews various spelling patterns. (I have no experience with Apples.)


"The ABCs..." is a great resource for phonetic patterns and for creating/supplementing your own spelling. Useful for any age.


Megawords is done mostly independently and helps both with teaching spelling attack through vowel and syllabication patterns, and also with great vocabulary words. For grades 4-5 and up.



I finally gave up about 3 years ago on spelling programs and create our own, using "The ABCs...", word lists from "Natural Speller", and Megawords as supplement. Seems to be working okay here. : ) BEST of luck in your spelling adventures. : ) Warmly, Lori D.

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