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S/O - I'm also flying with kids & need advice!

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After reading the other thread about flying alone with kids. I have a list of questions of my own! Didn't want to hijack.


I'm taking all 3 kids by myself to CA in April. We will be leaving here right in the middle of lunch time (11:30ish) and will land in Denver around 12:30 their time. When/how do I feed my kids? We do have until 3:00pm in Denver though. And then we land in CA around 4:30pm.


Coming home, we leave CA around 12:30pm and will land in Minneapolis around 6:00pm. We only have 1hr 11min in Minneapolis, but won't land at home until 8:30pm, so again....how/when do I feed my kids??


Then, I have to keep a 10 month old happy on my lap for 4.5hrs of flying and 3hrs of sitting in an airport on the way out, and about 4.75hrs of flying and probably no time in the airport on the way home. How do I do that? Will they let me bring Cheerios? He's still nursing, so I don't have to worry about bottles or anything.


And the stroller dilemma. DD2 (3yr) is not a good walker and gets tired easily. We'll be going to Disney, as well as a number of other attractions while in CA. But...we're staying with a friend who has a double stroller (and 2 kids). She's thinking we could put her 1yr old and my 10 month old in the stroller and our 3yr olds could walk, but I don't think my 3yr old would make it. I think she's also concerned about space in the car for my stroller if I bring it. So....do I bring it? If so...do I gate check it, or do I check it and eat the $25 each way?


What do I put in our carryons?? Things like blankies/loveys go in the carryons, yes? I'm thinking DD1, DD2, and I can each have back packs that way our hands are free?!? What about things like my camera (a DSLR - I'm a photographer), my computer, and a portable DVD player?


Ugh...I'm so nervous. I've only ever flown by myself with a child when DD1 was 2 and it was just her.



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Ok - one question at a time.


Your first trip - you will arrive at the airport probably 1 1/2 hours early or whatever is recommended now. Check as much of your bags as you can at the airline desk. Take the stroller and diaper bags with you to gate check. Once you are through security, go to one of the many food places and buy a lunch for your kids. Do not eat it yet! Put it in one of the diaper bags or a small backpack that will be one of your kid's carry-on. A little bit later, you will use your lunch as a distraction to make the trip seem not quite so long.


Yes, you can bring cheerios.


Your trip back, same thing on the lunch. For dinner, you can probably buy something on the plane. Or you could buy some simple stuff on your layover. You can bring food (but not liquids over 3 oz.) through security but I would worry about refrigeration and the squish factor.

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I've flown with kids by myself a bunch.


Bring the double-stroller and put the younger kids in it at the airport. You will have a much easier time in the airport. Sometimes when I travelled with kids in a double stroller, the security people would move me to the shortest line. I always gate checked the stroller. There was never a charge, but you would want to double check that with your airline. (Make sure you warn the kids that will have to get our of the stroller for the security check. If you think the baby might resist, you might want to wait to put the baby in after you go through security.) You don't have to use your stroller at Disney if it won't fit in the car


Put everything you can in the carry-on luggages. You can bring food with you on the plane. You have a lot of time to keep kids busy. I would put the laptop and DVD player in a laptop bag. Do you have a bag for your DSLR that will fit at the bottom of the one of the carryons. When we fly, the rule has been one carry-on and one personal item.


Some of the things I bring on planes are playdough, stickers, color wonder markers and paper, books, small toys, cards, matchbox cars, travel games, and books.


In your case, I would feed the kids a big breakfast and maybe something before you get on the plane at 11:00. You will probably have time to feed them something in Denver also, but you never know. I always get us to the connecting gate and then find food near there. (I always carry tons of snacks.)


On your trip back, you may have a hard time finding enough time to eat in Minneapolis. When we have had quick connections, I have bought food near the gate and brought it onto the plane to eat.


When travelling with young kids like yours, I liked the connection, because it gave them time to run (crawl) a bit.


You will make it, but I don't envy you. We are heading to CA in April also, and I'm glad my kids are older. That said, I'd still be going if they were the age of your kids. Relax and have fun. (If things go bad, remember, you'll never see the people on that plane again.)



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