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Is there a way to search public / criminal records for a s*x offender

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A friend made an offer on a house, then learned that a registered sex offender lives directly behind the house. The incident occurred 20 years ago. According to the real estate agent, the man was confronted by a neighbor, and he said that the incident involved his under aged girlfriend, and charges were filed by her parents.


She is still uneasy about the situation, and they may withdraw their offer.


Is there any way she can verify his story by searching for public records related to this offense?

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I would check 2 or 3 different sites if possible. We have found, here anyway, that the FBi posts one list, the local sherrifs another, the state police another. And the names never seem to be on 2 lists. Which list they are on is determined by who arrested them and which courts they went thru.


Tell your friend that she also needs to check how old the lists are. Some don't update very often, others will update every 6 months or so.

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A friend made an offer on a house, then learned that a registered sex offender lives directly behind the house. The incident occurred 20 years ago. According to the real estate agent, the man was confronted by a neighbor, and he said that the incident involved his under aged girlfriend, and charges were filed by her parents.


She is still uneasy about the situation, and they may withdraw their offer.


Is there any way she can verify his story by searching for public records related to this offense?


Most of the registries don't give details. If she googles him and it says, "Statuatory rape" then that corroborates his story to some degree--but to find out whether or not it was his girlfriend would probably involve going to the county where he was convicted and looking up the records.


I am troubled, myself, with these cases of an older boyfriend being labeled a sex offender for consensual sex with his girlfriend. I'm not talking about years and years older (like a 21 year old with a 13 year old or a 30 year old with a 16 year old), but some states have statutes that are very narrow in the age range allowed. Sex that was legal when the guy was 17 could become illegal once he turns 18. There was that football player in GA who got convicted from an act a girl 1-2 years younger initiated on him. It was caught on videotape and as a 17 year old, he was convicted and has a permanent record. dumb. (Not approving of the premarital sex, but disapproving of legal consequences.)

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