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s/o -- kids eating at others' houses

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This is how it works for us, too. We actually went over to a friends' house for dinner a week ago, and when she asked what to fix, I suggested that we pick up some pizza on the way. I knew that it was 50/50 whether or not Reece would eat it, since we weren't at home, and I didn't want the other family to be upset about it. It ended up being fine and everyone at quite well, but we simply do not go to eat with other people.


It's not only because of my children. I am a much pickier eater than they are, and I grew up being chastised by people (family included) for what I did or didn't eat. I was always polite, never said a word to the hostess, and would just sort of move the food around on my plate if it's not something I cared for, but people still insisted on commenting. It's a horrible feeling.


All of our friend get togethers are very casual potluck affairs where everyone brings something. I either make sure I take something I know my kids will eat or feed them before we go so I don't have to worry about what they eat there. When it is my turn to host, I try to have something kid friendly on the table.

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How picky are your kids?

My kids would have been the ones who wouldn't eat the crust nor "cold" bread (what's the big deal... stick in in the toaster on light or in the microwave!).

Do you think picky eaters are born or made?

I think kids are BORN picky, because I am raising my kids the way my Mom raised me, but their picky gene comes from their dad's side. I swore up and down as a teen watching my aunt try to force her picky kids to eat healthfully that I'd never fight that battle... my parents were low key about food and we all ate very well. Fast forward 20 years and I'm the lady trying to get my kid to eat healthfully without much success.

What have you done to keep your kids from being too picky? Not gonna answer this one because obviously my methods don't work!

Do you give your kids certain "instructions" on what to do if they are a guest and are served food that they don't care for?

Not specifically as a "guest" yet because I am always with them unless they are with family or my BGF. In general, I tell them to say, "I wouldn't care for any." "No, thank you." I also tell them not to ask for food when we are out, unless it is offered. If they do not like what is served, they can wait to eat till we get home. I tell them not to take very much if they are not positive they are going to EAT IT ALL (I hate to see food go to waste).

Does it bug you when kids over the age of six are at your house for dinner and they don't touch a thing but the bread?

This doesn't happen because I always serve kid friendly food when kids are over... sandwiches, tacos, pizza, pasta, burgers, chips. I put out cracker, cheese, fruit and veggie trays and kids usually tear them to pieces.

Do you think a lot of kids are too catered to food-wise these days, and if so, why?

This is entirely situational. In some cases yes. I know that as a parent of a very picky kid, I do cater sometimes because I want him not to lose any weight (as an underweight kid). I will allow him to choose pbj or cereal when we have something exotic like grilled salmon. (although he does love several kinds of fish).


I wouldn't have worried too much about the child you describe. She knew she could go home later and eat. Now on an overnighter, I would have made sure she had something she would eat.

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