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I am torn on what to do for my dd for reading next year in 3rd grade. She will be doing SOTW2 and I would love something to go along with that, but that would work for a reading curriculum. I was looking into using story of western civilization but I am wondering how that would line up with SOTW2. Any suggestions a something that would work (even if its not a "curriculum" for 3rd grade reading? Im looking for her to do reading aloud (she does plenty of silent on her own time) and reading comprehension. Thanks

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CLE Reading? I looked at the samples for 3rd grade myself and the lightunits have sections on reading comprehension and some reading-related grammar.


Or if you are looking for book-books, you could try the Readers from Sonlight. I think the IG is 5 bucks.

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Boy, was that a quick reply!! :auto:


:D I'm not sure which SOTW you guys are working through, but the Sonlight Readers are mostly historically-themed (there's some fun ones in there too). You could browse through the Core 2 Intermediate or Advanced Readers or the Core 3 Readers and they show every book available for each level. My daughter is finishing up with the Core 2 Intermediate/Advanced Readers and there's stuff like Pony Express, Viking Adventure, Sword in the Tree, etc... They're small chapter books. Core 3 Readers are from the early US history core and they're chapter books and a little more difficult.


Look on www.sonlight.com and you can go into Individual Subjects-Readers Core 3-Individual Items and you can see each book in the Core 3 Reader package. Then you can see if that's something that would work for your daughter.

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The Sonlight readers really don't line up with SOTW 2. Many of them are from modern times, 1950's etc.


Here are some ideas to line up with your history: Usborne Beginners, Usborne Young Reading, syllable divided books, dk readers, You Wouldn't, Adventures in Middle Ages, Adventures with Vikings. The Accelerated Acheivement demo disk also has historical readers listed by grade level.

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The Sonlight readers really don't line up with SOTW 2. Many of them are from modern times, 1950's etc.


Here are some ideas to line up with your history: Usborne Beginners, Usborne Young Reading, syllable divided books, dk readers, You Wouldn't, Adventures in Middle Ages, Adventures with Vikings. The Accelerated Acheivement demo disk also has historical readers listed by grade level.



Thank you sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Your welcome!


The AA demo disk can be found at www.hstreasures.com. It is only $3 and has a ton of historical readers by grade level, at the least listed and sometimes the whole thing is there in text format.


If you find a reading comp book for Middle Ages that would be great! I plan to use the Story of US books (that Sonlight has) for American History.

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