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How long/hard is the recovery after a C-section?

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I've never had a c-section. I HAVE had a true shoulder dystocia baby. I also had a baby who weighed a full pound PLUS more than my SD baby. He came out with no problems at all, even though he was much larger.


C-section is a surgical recovery on top of a birth recovery. I would avoid one at all costs.

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I had a c-section with dh (emergency, fetal distress - he was also 10lb 1oz) and a scheduled c-section with dd.

Recovery with my ds was only a couple of weeks. Felt great no problems. But recovery with my dd was months before I felt back to normal. I was in pain all the time and could not seem get myself together.


So with this next one I am making sure I am liquid diet for about a week. Also my dh is taking a complete 2 weeks off when the baby comes (I have already threatened both him and his boss). I think this will help with recovery time, this time around.


Good luck

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I din't have time to go through all the replies - I've had 3 c-sections, the planned ones are the easiest to recover from because I didn't spend 24 hours in labor and then 2 hours pushing! But the last one I did have a slight complication that showed up a few weeks later (liquid/swelling that supposedly wasn't an infection, but . . .)


I would say having help for at least the first week would be very helpful. It can be difficult getting up and down the first few days (especially from a lying position!)


If you can begin to teach your 2 year old now - how to get into his car seat, into his bed (mine was still in a crib, so we lowered the side and taught him to climb over and in), how to get in his chair at the table if necessary - without you having to lift him/her that will be helpful.


Comparing notes with friends that had vaginal births - a lot of the restrictions are the same post recovery regarding how long to wait for driving, lifting, sex, etc.

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