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Visual-Spatial Learner or Not?


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I am trying to figure out my younger son's learning style. From what I have read he appears to be a visual-spatial learner. But most things I have read say that visual-spatial children may have some difficulty academically. My son is actually ahead for his age right now. He just turned 6 and is almost ready for 2nd grade math and has just started reading out of 2nd grade books. Here are some of my son's behaviors. Can you tell me if you think he sounds like a visual-spatial learner?


- Scatterbrained.

- Fidgety and has a hard time staying still especially when listening to books read aloud. He has no trouble listening to story books with pictures.

- Loves writing and drawing and blogging

- Can spend hours creating with Legos and builds some intricate pieces - does not like to follow the instructions that come with the Legos

- Has a wonderful imagination

- Sometimes I have to tell him something five times before he hears it.

- Creates imaginary characters that talk.

- Gets into his own little world sometimes.

- Sensitive to sound

- Is intense and sensitive emotionally

- Loves art and does well with it.

- Figures out math concepts quickly.

- Pays more attention and learns more when he can see what is talked about.

- Not sure how he learned to read. Phonics got him started, but he took off and reads words with patterns that haven't been covered in our phonics lessons.

- Loves playing on the computer

- Great sense of humor

- Not very interested in science theories or ideas, just the big booms in experiments :)


Any input would be appreciated. I am starting to consider next year's curriculum and want to tailor my teaching to his learning style.

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It is my understanding that often visual-spatial learners have difficulty with reading and writing because these are taught in ways not congenial to them, in conflict with their learning style. It may be that your son has been allowed to learn in ways he figures out or that help him; so your homeschooling is doing an absolutely terrific job. He sounds like a great kid.

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