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Question about 'Education Reform'

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I know that one of the things being thrown out there is that all teachers would have to be certified. I'm assuming that this means hs'ing moms as well. Now for my question...Would you have to be certified at every level / subject for which you're teaching or just have a general certification? Does anyone even know? I just want to stay ahead of the curve and be prepared, KWIM?

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I don't think anyone knows yet. I think it will depend in part on whether or not they put through a nationalized curriculum. That is one of the goals that is being talked about. I've been reading about it a bit lately and I have to admit, I'm getting nervous.

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I know that one of the things being thrown out there is that all teachers would have to be certified. I'm assuming that this means hs'ing moms as well. Now for my question...Would you have to be certified at every level / subject for which you're teaching or just have a general certification? Does anyone even know? I just want to stay ahead of the curve and be prepared, KWIM?


It seems difficult. So many of the PS teachers are not certified in all the subjects they. I think they would be biting off more than they could chew if they required certification in each subject.


But I could be wrong. I've been wrong very recently. :glare:

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Don't forget that the homeschool lobby is a powerful thing. When the call goes out about something that could infringe our rights what happens? Things get posted on every hs bulletin board, email list, yahoo group and library door. From across the socio-econimic spectrum, geography and across ideological lines we come out in force. We call lawmakers and march on capitols.


We can always take the day off from school and call it civics, right?


Like other special interests we have our professional organizations whose job it is to do these things, but we also have a ton of normal moms and dads willing to make calls and send emails and go see a legislator on a moment's notice.


Don't underestimate homeschoolers. We pack a punch when nessesary.:D


As much as I would love to believe this, recent events have shown that TPTB don't give a rip how the disgruntled masses feel. I'll be right there with you, though!

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As much as I would love to believe this, recent events have shown that TPTB don't give a rip how the disgruntled masses feel. I'll be right there with you, though!


Forgive me, but what does TPTB mean?

I googled it, but I don't think you mean those Too Pure To Die or Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction :lol:.



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