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Opinion on CW vs. IEW


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from a previous conversation! I just bought CW and will be starting it next year. My main reason for picking it over IEW is the depth of writing that it teaches and comments from people that IEW is formulistic and easy to spot. I think IEW is probably easier to use and less intensive. And it's more more expensive than CW.




Blessings:) Gina

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so take my opinions with a grain:) We are using Writing Tales right now, which is very similar to CW Aesop. Then we'll start CW Homer next year with my then 5th grader. I think that CW and IEW are both solid programs. In regards to placement, it would depend on your kids ages and what they've done so far. Here's a link:




Hope that helps some:) Gina

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If you use CW more than two years starting with Homer, you will spend almost an equal amount to IEW.


Also keep in mind, many of the people who saying IEW is formulaic don't use it. The "dress-ups" they refer to (somewhat disdainfully) are taught in the very beginning, one at a time, and later more or less abandoned after the student develops more of their own style. They are really just different ways of teaching the student to vary sentence structure. This is something you want.

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We did IEW last year (ds 5th grade) and this year, using the writing lessons in history books. Additionally, I did CW Aesop this year, without the writing assignments. Here's my take:


IEW is primarily writing, without grammar instruction or exercises.


CW includes writing assignments plus grammar assignments and spelling.


IEW has a plan of around 8-10 types of writing assignments that are repeated each year, with increasing level of difficulty each year. You could use this program with several students of differing abilities, each working at their own level on the same assignment.


CW moves through the books sequentially, with increased difficulty. Different level students would need to be using their own books according to level.


Hope that's helpful....


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We did IEW last year (ds 5th grade) and this year, using the writing lessons in history books. Additionally, I did CW Aesop this year, without the writing assignments. Here's my take:


IEW is primarily writing, without grammar instruction or exercises.


CW includes writing assignments plus grammar assignments and spelling.


IEW has a plan of around 8-10 types of writing assignments that are repeated each year, with increasing level of difficulty each year. You could use this program with several students of differing abilities, each working at their own level on the same assignment.


CW moves through the books sequentially, with increased difficulty. Different level students would need to be using their own books according to level.


Hope that's helpful....



This is a good comparison. I'd add that the upper levels of CW include Rhetoric and literature. Once you pass Chreia their theory shifts from Grammar to Logic. So you then have formal logic lessons and then utilize that knowledge to analyse literature and direct your writing. (Similar to the way grammar was used in the earlier books)


As for the different books for each level: this is only if you use the workbooks. If you read through the cores, you can teach mulitple levels from the same model without the workbooks. Although this would get really difficult as you progress through the upper levels ... at least for most of us.



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