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What after spelling power?

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Ok, My 6th grader finished the spelling power book 2 months ago :hurray:. Now I am trying to decide what to do next year in 7th with her. I got a book called Spelling the Easy Way by (Mersman & Griffith) 2nd edition from a thrift store here in town and I like that and am really thinking about doing that along with Apples daily spelling drills. But I wanted to get advice from other people before I decide for sure!



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Congratulations to your incredible 6th grader!!!


I'd keep using the Spelling Power system, but I would use words from her current reading and other subjects. You could use words from:


1) Wordly Wise or another vocabulary program


2) List of words most often on the SATs. (I'm sure there's a list online or in any "Study for the SATs" book.


3) List of words most often misspelled by high schoolers, or by college students. I believe that I saw these on two separate lists at one point. Do a search online.


4) Vocabulary words from history, geography, or science lessons. Can your child spell Suleiman, the Hague, and the Treaty of Nantes? How about Estonia, Bugaria, and Ghana? How about Eustachian tubes, mitochondria, chromium, and Niels Bohr?


5) As well as vocabulary words that you or she found in her language studies/reading.


I'm sure whatever you choose, your child will do wonderfully!!!!


--Laura in Iowa



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I would replace the spelling with vocabulary work. Perhaps Vocabulary from Classical Roots would fit her.


Different ages different stages. Spelling is a stage. It isn't a subject like math or science or writing or history that you really should invest time in year after year after year.




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Have you considered having her participate in a spelling bee? It sound like she is quite talented, and it could be a great way of learning more vocabulary words.


You can contact the folks at Scripps at the http://www.spellingbee.com. Ask who is the sponsor in your area, and call the sponsor to find out if there is a homeschool group that does a local bee. If there is not, I *think* you can register with Scripps for $10 and have your child participate in the Regional Bee (or whatever is the protocol for your region).


The qualifying spelling bees for the National Bee are all finishing up this week, but she could get a head start for next year by testing on Spell It! at spellingbee.com. You can get the wordlist here:



The products from Hexco, especially their Spelling Rules Book, are good for advanced study.


Best wishes,


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My daughter found Spelling Power to be too easy so we just started using the SAT lists at majortests.com. She loves that they are more challenging. I require that she knows how they are spelled and the meaning. Perhaps they would work for you too.

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My daughter found Spelling Power to be too easy so we just started using the SAT lists at majortests.com. She loves that they are more challenging. I require that she knows how they are spelled and the meaning. Perhaps they would work for you too.



I am checking that out now! (she is groaning, its 10:20pm I told her to go to bed :) lol)



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