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Go to blogger.com and they'll tell you what to do, and you can have a simple one up in about 15 minutes.


I write about whatever I feel like. Sometimes I post pictures of what I did with the kids, sometimes I rant against school, often I talk about what music I've been listening to lately, what my family just watched for "movie night," or what I'm reading, or I share something funny that happened.


Here it is.

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My blog is temporarily down because of my spotty internet coverage, but it's a standard mommy blog. I blog about food, crafts, kids, products I like, school, everything.


The blogs I most enjoy reading are those that give me a little glimpse into someone else's life. I love seeing pictures of other people's houses, the way they have things organized, etc. I love when people post things like their weekly menu lists, hs curricula, schedules, all that sort of stuff. One of my majors in college was anthropology, though, so that might have something to do with that, lol.

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I would love to visit with you about blogs. I am a fellow homeschool blogger. If you plan to ever generate a bit of money with your blog, they say (probloggers) to go with wordpress-self-hosted. Blogger is said to be shutting a bunch of blogs down right now.


I can help you get up and running with a custom design, if you would like. LMK!!

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Guest Cindie2dds
This may sound kind of dumb, but where and how do you start a blog? What do I blog about?



Blogger.com is really easy. I started it because my friends and relatives wanted to know what we were doing with home schooling. I tried FB, but all the game invites irritated me. It's kind of like a journal to me, I guess.

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I use blogger.com , I think it is easier. I blog about everything from kids to grandbabies, homeschooling to my kids in college, from Army ( DS ) to Navy (DS), Life, Rants, Raves, Fun, Birthdays, Birth Announcments, Holidays, Vacations, Family, Illness, Humor, Friends, Excitement, Parenting, My Dreams, Hopes, Wishes, Trials, & Etc. You name it, if it enters my mind it goes on the blog....... well almost LOL


Most of it is focused on my two youngest children though and homeschooling !

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I use blogger and it's been great as a beginner. I might start another using wordpress. I've looked at Blogging for Dummies and also have a link for ProBlogger on my sidebar and picked up blogging helps and hints along the way just to get a better idea of what to do and how to do it. Basically I just looked at blogs I liked and were interesting to me and did what they did = ). Also, I'd pick a theme for your blog. There are lots of "mommy blogs," ed blogs, professional blogs. Pick something and start writing. Frequency of writing will get your readership up.

Have a blast :001_smile:

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