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I have read tons on this board about HS Biology. I think Miller & Levine text will work great for us. I also love the free videos at hippocampus.org


What I really dislike is the website www.biology.com !!!! It's very messy, and takes you in circles!


I need to go at it in the middle of the night I guess when it's quiet :) I had registered at one point to see the samples, but can't get back in again to see the darn prices. Anyway, I can't remember the difference between Standard, Core, and Foundation. In addition, there are so many other add-ons.


Anyone that uses this care to share what they got? I have searched this forum all morning, but am more confused than when I started.



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Thanks! I did figure out for the new version just out this year.


Core Edition is at grade level. There are Level A Workbook & labs and Level B Workbook & labs. I looked a bit at them but didn't get a clear picture of which level would work better yet.


The website says the new version has online virtual labs, short videos for each chapter. Seems that most of the bells & whistles are more appropriate for classrooms.


Anyone getting the new version? Looks like you have to go through a rep? Are they homeschooler friendly? When you register to see the samples, they do list homeschool as an option.


It probably is a lot more feasible financially to get the older version now that new one is out.

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My ds uses the older version at his high school. This is the website he uses for additional online self-checks/tests: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=9999


You can buy this version inexpensively on Amazon used or other places. :001_smile:


Thank you! I picked up this edition this afternoon at Goodwill for $5. I'm excited that this is available to us.

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Core Edition is at grade level. There are Level A Workbook & labs and Level B Workbook & labs. I looked a bit at them but didn't get a clear picture of which level would work better yet.

The Core edition is at grade level, but it's an *abridged* version ~ it just includes the chapters that they consider the minimum "core" of the program. The Foundation edition has simplified language and concepts for slower learners. If you want the full text, order the Standard edition. The A level lab & workbooks are the "regular" ones; I believe the B level is for slower or ESL learners.


Anyone getting the new version?

I bought the new version because I liked the layout and the graphics so much. I generally prefer Campbell's Exploring Life text, but I'm mixing and matching some sections from Miller & Levine with others from Campbell, and adding additional material from college zoology books. M&L has an extensive section in the back on the evolution of life, with really beautiful graphics and photography.


Looks like you have to go through a rep? Are they homeschooler friendly?

I set up an "OASIS Account" with Pearson, which lets me order directly from their website, including TEs. They were quite friendly & helpful.



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