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You know you're hooked on Lost when...

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Last night the baby wasn't sleeping so I thought I'd make the best of it, and took him to the living room to switch on the television and look for Lost. My helpful, confused husband informed me it was only Monday. Oh, right. :001_huh:


Earlier today I again found myself with some time on my hands, so checked my cable On Demand channel to check if this week's Lost episode was up yet. No such luck. I was disappointed, but figured I was checking too early. So I waited a couple hours and checked again. :tongue_smilie:


Then I figured the kids were happily amused so I could try to find the episode online, and was a little annoyed when it wasn't up yet. So I Googled to find out why there's no Lost this week. :glare:


Right... it's only Tuesday *now*. Obviously my brain didn't catch that the 'spring ahead' this past weekend was for one hour and not one day.


Maybe I'll set the timer for 9pm tonight...

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Hehe! Dh and I got hooked at the beginning of the year. We were up late each night watching "just one more episode" on hulu. :lol: Now that we're caught up, it's hard having to wait a whole week between episodes. PLUS, I don't get to watch this week's episode until Friday night, because dh is out of town until then. :glare:

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