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Biblioplan is great. You have a choice of several spines,that it schedules out for you over a 3 day week. Then it has a family read aloud and a reader for the different levels scheduled out for you. You can use the library, substitute books, or buy them all. They also have suggested writng assignments, and timeline dates for each week. Now they have Cool history packets, and map packs you can get for each year. I will be using 1600- 1850 this year. The company has great customer service, and I have never had an issue with them. HTH!

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I just bought my Biblioplan Renaissance about 3wks ago. I also have bought SOTW volume 2 and MOH volume 2 to use as my spines. I will probably use a little of each. I also bought Truthquest to help me to add a little more info to what I don't know. You don't have to use both SOTW and MOH, but I am choosing to.


I haven't had a good chance to look at it, but it looks like just what we are going to want. I was also emailing back and forth with one of the authors before I bought it. She answered all of my questions and was very patient and pleasant to work with. I give them an A+ for customer service.

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I third the excellent customer service and helpful answers! BP Ancients has been great for us this year. I am excited to start Middle Ages next. We used a variety of spines for each section. In the beginning, I used the Child's Story Bible and we listened to our audio Bible on CD's also. I used Victor Journey some too. We used MOH and SOTW for Greece on audio from our library. We are using Famous Men for our Rome unit.


I have liked studying by culture rather than strictly chronologically. We have loved all but one of the 'family read aloud's'. And, my boys have eaten up the readers. My middle ds, a very reluctant reader, devoured the first book ever soooo fast. It was Detectives in Togas! Sooooo exciting for this mom!!!

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