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Attack on homeschoolers???

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Well, as far as them being German it's not surprising. Germany has always been militaristic and conformist. :glare: And my entire family is from Germany---but came to the US after ALL the hardship caused by ALL those years of wars and famines..........It's too bad Germany can't lighten up and learn from their own long, horrific history.

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Germany has been giving hs families a hard time for years - so do some other countries. I think Swedes are having a difficult time, too. Canada is currently (apparently) attempting to phase out the ability to homeschool. The rest of the world is not as free as we are here.


With regard to the last two links, they are both to the same story. The ladies from Lexington, particularly Mia, were misquoted. The story seems pretty unimportant to me as most of it is just wrong......

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I hope it's not anything targeting or trying to attack homeschooling in general, I just thought it was interesting that it was just a few days after the article on the German family that there was an article on homeschool curriculum choices and if it's okay that some homeschoolers teach that way.:confused:

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