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Classical Conversations Skip Challenge A/B go to I,II...


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Has anyone here who participates in CC chosen to bypass Challenge A & B and have their child begin with Challenge I? I've heard A & B are beneficial but I'm really thinking of heading straight to Challenge I. Can anyone share their overwhelming support for A & B?


The Challenge Program (I, II, III, and IV) corresponds with an on-line program's 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. We are leaning with having the classes coincide so our child has the benefits of the group learning yet covers the same info. as the on-line class. The materials in Challenge A and B have either already been covered, are being done at home this year, or will be covered over the summer. - so, technically, we are'nt "skipping" anything.


Do you think the transition to Challenge I w/o having (formally) gone through A & B would be problematic?


This child is proficient at writing but does not enjoy it and I've heard Challenge A & B are writing intensive.





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Hi Karis,


Before I spent too much time thinking about this, I'd ask if your Challenge Director would let you skip. I think that 11 is too young for Challenge I, but I don't have direct experience to connect this "thought" with. We do have one student who might end up doing Challenge I...(skipping Challenge B) but they are already 13.



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Thanks - I tend to "look ahead" I'm thinking of doing this when the student is 12-13 -Advancing 8th - not this year.


(no way)


but we've done the books in Words Aptly Spoken A & B at home and he's already had 3 years of Latin (and I don't like Latin's Not So Tough)

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My 13 yo did challenge A this year. At first she was overwhelmed and hated it. But by the 3rd-4th class day she had figured our her own schedule to complete everything and was loving it. She wants to go whether she is feeling sick or not (though I don't let her). I think they really get into the rhythm of how to do for themselves in the first two challenges. She's really grown for this experience. Highly recommend going through Challenge A and B. Although I don't have a child that has gone through B, I would think it is a bit more challenging than A. Putting a 12-13 yo in I or II, I would think would be a mistake. It might turn him/her off to the whole program. HOWEVER, I of course do not know your child.


There is a forum on their site. Have you asked in there?


Hope this helps,

Pam B.

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Oh- Another thing is, that YOU are the teacher. Although they DO receive the assignments from their TUTOR, it is up to YOU if you want to change it. Just let the tutor know.

I think they are all writing intensive- however, they are not writing intensive as in length. The IEW teaches them to say what they need/want to and get on with it. Know what I mean?

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I don't think I would recommend a 12/13 yr. old for Challenge I. The other students will be 14/15. One unique thing about the Challenge Program is that the students are in most if not all of 6 challenge classes together each week. Each year, the classes move up together. You'll want to consider the age of the "peer group" that you'd like your child to be part of for the next several years.


The Challenge math and Latin classes are usually held at the same time, enabeling students to attend these classes at the appropriate level. Your daughter could attend Challeng A or B and move up to a higher level Latin or math.

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Hi Karis,


I only have a minute to reply, but wanted to clarify about the 6 classes. The 6 classes, or seminars, meet one day a week for an hour each consecutively--taking up an entire school day. Some kids choose to take all 6, others do less and use the time for a study hall or arrive late/leave early.

I think Challenge B is something you might not want to miss. Challenge A is an introduction to the Challenge program, so the work load is a little lighter so I could understand skipping that for an advanced/older student.

I'm also curious what online classes you are looking at. We may be interested in them as well.

Edited by homeschoolally
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