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This made my day

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I was going through the rule book for the school that the boys will be joining in the autumn. Under 'Other Offences' I found the following:


"Pupils will be expelled if caught in flagrante delicto or if caught trafficking drugs."


Prohibitions in Latin! I love it!



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Hey, by the way, I was in your branch of the woods this weekend. I visited friends just outside Glasgow and saw their kitchen addition with my own eyes. It truly made the kitchen lovely, and was not overly cold at all. If you're still thinking of that option for your home I would enthusiastically recommend it. We also spent a day at the North Barracks (sp??) beach and saw Robert Louis Stevenson's cave--much fun had by all, and very pretty views as well.


Glad everything is progressing so nicely for your boys' upcoming school career.

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I'm in the honeymoon period with the school. We spent an hour with the head of upper school yesterday (he's also head of Classics) discussing Calvin's course choices. It's very cool to have a head who has a home educated daughter and understands exactly where Calvin might need some guidance on entering the school. He again stressed that bullying was not countenanced and that Calvin should come straight to him if he has problems.


I'm glad the extension looked good. We are seriously considering it when we recover from the current building work.



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