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7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers

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Has anyone worked through this with your dc? I'm looking at it, and the workbooks, and it looks interesting. I'm hoping it will address some issues, but more over, I think it just looks like a good thing to go through and discuss.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey


The Workbook that goes with it


If you have used this, what was your opinion? How about your child's opinion?



Edited by LauraGB
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I had not seen the workbook before! Thank you so much for posting about it. I am going to have to order that to use in the future.


I have the book but have not used it yet with my ds12. I bought it a few months ago at a second hand store for $2, so I thought it was worth picking it up.


While I was impressed with the ideas & info presented--and I definitely want to use it at some point--I was a little surprised to have several scenarios regarding decisions about premarital sex. It was just a little more than I'm comfortable with at this stage of the game, but I think the book looks great!


ETA: The second book you posted about looks like a great book to use, too. I guess what I was trying to say about the 1st book is that I wasn't expecting a book addressing those decisions (although obviously those are important decisions to discuss & consider)...more life skills/organization/study skills/work ethics, etc...so that's why I was a little surprised. I'd love to hear your experiences with it and to hear of others using either of these guides.

Edited by cougarmom4
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My son's charter middle school uses it. They had a retreat at the beginning of the year to present the 7 habits and then they discuss application once a week.


I'm not sure what my son thinks about it - he is out for the evening. However, he frequently talks about being proactive, working with the end in mind and synergizing. I like the program because it has a lot of application and practical uses. I haven't seen the book or workbook though.

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While I was impressed with the ideas & info presented--and I definitely want to use it at some point--I was a little surprised to have several scenarios regarding decisions about premarital sex. It was just a little more than I'm comfortable with at this stage of the game, but I think the book looks great!




I agree. I am planning to use it with 11 year olds. It seemed it was divided up enough to be able to skip over age inappropriate stuff (which seems to be the last couple chapters/habits) and save it for a much later time. But it still seemed like most of the book dealt with a lot of issues even preteens have. I know some of the scenarios will need to be tweaked (like popularity at school, etc), but I think kids are smart enough to be able to do that and still get the big picture.


I'm kind of really excited about it - and I don't really *like* self-help books.

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My son's charter middle school uses it. They had a retreat at the beginning of the year to present the 7 habits and then they discuss application once a week.


I'm not sure what my son thinks about it - he is out for the evening. However, he frequently talks about being proactive, working with the end in mind and synergizing. I like the program because it has a lot of application and practical uses. I haven't seen the book or workbook though.


Very good to know! Thank you! I did see online where they have workshops (whether one can purchase for home use or not, I don't know)for the 7 Habits ... for Families. I wonder if they have one available for Teens.

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I was not aware that there was a workbook! However, both of my older girls have read this book several times, and thoroughly enjoyed the book.


When we were homeschooling, I had seriously considered doing what I would have called a "Life Skills" course, and this was one of the items on my agenda: having the kids in our homeschool group read and discuss the book.


I give this book two thumbs up!

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What you're doing sounds like a lot of fun, Laura! You have lucky kids!


I bought 7 Habits for Effective Families a few months ago, and am slowly going through it. My sister bought all her siblings the original 7 Habits book 20 years or so ago, and it is truly one of my all-time favorites. I love his framework. I truly think the world has been blessed by the work of Stephen Covey!

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