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7 yo boys and free time

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what do yours do? this is an extremely bright child, #6 out of 7, just turned 7 but thinks he's 16 like his brother (and should have the same privileges) and we are deprogramming him from all screens. he doesn't accept the limitations well, so now we're going cold turkey for a while. however. i have 5 other children to attend to, and we cannot entertain him all the time. he loves to read. but can only do that for about 2 hours/day. we will be getting a trampoline with our tax refund (he'd do that solo for hours when we lived in florida, but we don't have one here, plus the fact that there's still 12" of snow on the ground...)


he's tired of legos, outgrown the brio train set.... doesn't like cars. i don't want to set him up with busy work, but i need some ideas for him til he gets over the shakes from screen withdrawal...


jodi now in pa

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My DD's male peers in the neighborhood like sports--they're out there after school and on weekends, whenever they have actual free time, playing basketball, street hockey, football, whatever. DD often joins in, and the kids playing range in age from 4 or so up to maybe 10.


Anyway, I'm a big fan of "Go outside!" Dig in the dirt, play with whatever equipment is available, or with a stick. If you live someplace snowy, they can build snow forts, throw snowballs, etc.

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Well you can always give him more chores ... :D


How about helping him find a hobby? A 7 year old can do alot, I've thought about turning mine lose with a small digital camera, I think he could take some great pictures. (I'm mainly worried DS3 would break the camera).

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hi-my 7 year old does a bunch of sports outside the home, as well as a weekly art class...we have a basketball net outside which keeps him busy for an hour (it's in the garage during cold snaps), and he loves to do science experiments (young scientist kits--can do some of them on his own, which i love). He draws pictures, and we use Tin Man Press stuff to inspire him. He plays games wiith his brother a lot--usually Hot Lava (a made up game where neither of them is allowed to actually touch the floor-think lots of clothes, pillows and stuffed animals all around), they build their own 'castles' using boxes and cardboard and 'hide out' in them...he adores audio books and will listen for 1-2 hours to them...enjoys chess with me or dad, and is teaching younger bro...lots and lots of card games....he also enjoys arts and crafts: painting, making mini books, raiding the crafts bin and that can keep him occupied for a while..he has a list of chores from which he chooses 3 each day, and he enjoys that (vacuuming, cleaning sink, folding clothes,etc)


Will he play with his siblings? So many great card games that he could choose from: Blink, Mummy Rummy, Set, Old Maid, etc...



Edited by Halcyon
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My ds7 loves legos, remote control cars, snap circuits, matchbox/race track sets, plasma car, trying to roller-blade, army guys w/blocks to build forts & such.

He also loves to build contraptions or inventions...free use of masking tape, duct tape, string, cardboard tubes...and he's in heaven. I've occasionally gotten some books at the library with ideas to build things from recycled items and he likes to do that sort of thing. He's happy with dirt, shovels, ice, magnets, food coloring...any scientific exploring he can do...as long as it makes a mess. :D


Forgot to mention paper airplanes...there are some great books out there!

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