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Omnibus I credits

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Does just completing the primary & secondary readings in Omnibus give your child a credit in theology, history & lit? Does Veritas Press require their students to read the recommended reading in Western Civ for a history credit? I can't find this info in my Omnibus book.


For those who have done it all: Read complete chapters instead of portions of Western Civ or Human Odyssey, read all the primary & secondary readings, were your children totally burned out in the end? How many hours/day did you spend on doing it all?


Thanks, Michelle

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I have my eldest do the Western Civilization readings for Omnibus, she reads the entire chapter, not just the few pages assigned. In my opinion there is not enough history content to give a history credit. I am using the Gileskirk lectures and history readings together with the 4 history projects/papers assigned over the year. I give one credit in each: Literature, Theology and History for the combination.


My younger dd does only the history work in Gileskirk.



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If you go to the Veritas website, to the Scholars Online link and click on Omnibus I, you will see specific info about credits given (this is for the online course, but can be a guideline for you). I know that for Omnibus 3 you get only 1 credit for the Primary Readings, but 3 credits if you do both Prim. & Secondary!

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I gave all three credits, and we only read the "snippets," but that's because I considered some of the Great Books in Omni 1 to be history. We tweaked a bit, and did not read the secondary books, but added in our own theology (2 of Paul Little's books, daily Bible and a bible study book).


If I had to do it again, I'd have ds read the whole chapters in Spielvogel. And I'd still leave off the secondary reading (and add in my own philosophy readings in the Greeks).


I think kids can easily burn out on Omnibus, esp. if they are young. We used it at 16, and it was a lot. It took about an hour of reading, sometimes more, and discussions took anywhere from 10 minutes to 40 minutes (this is an estimate). We didn't do all the writing, either.

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