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Anyone else get all blubbery when they're sick?

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I have the flu, and I can't watch or hear anything the least bit sappy without getting all choked up. And, forget the possibility of telling my dh about any of these touching moments! I just tear up and get all blubbery, and then laugh at myself for crying, and then start laughing so hard that I'm crying all over again (complete with the "ugly" face). It's insane! I just put my blanket over my face and give up!


This has been going on for three days! Anyone else get this way when they're sick?

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I've had a bad head cold this past week or so and the other day my daughter and I were watching "Charles in Charge." At the end of the first season the family Charles has been working for leaves and another family moves in ... I just started bawling because I didn't want the first family to leave. I've seen this series more than once and ... well, let's just say my daughter was looking at me like I was insane or something. I'm normally a sensitive person when it comes to these things, but this was over the top even for me. :lol:

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Yesterday, I was telling dh about that Toyota Sienna commercial where the mom sits out in her Sienna all day, watching movies, talking on the cell phone, doing her nails, taking a nap. I love that commercial, but when I told him about it, I related to that mom WAY too much. I was a sniveling, blubbering, laughing/crying mess! He just laughed and shook his head at me. :lol: :001_huh: :tongue_smilie:


But, YES! It is good to know there are two of us! Thank you for commiserating with me. :)

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