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We currently use the Faith and Life series, since we're Catholic, to teach about the Catholic religion. I requested The Little Soul and the Sun from our library and am looking for suggestions for other materials that talk about God's love and understanding without being tied to any religion. I also plan to use a book to teach world religions. Is there anything out there like Conversations With God, but for kids?


I can't find anything, but you never know.

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We currently use the Faith and Life series, since we're Catholic, to teach about the Catholic religion. I requested The Little Soul and the Sun from our library and am looking for suggestions for other materials that talk about God's love and understanding without being tied to any religion. I also plan to use a book to teach world religions. Is there anything out there like Conversations With God, but for kids?


I can't find anything, but you never know.


Do you mean Conversation with God by Neale Donald Walsch? He has one for teens - I'm not sure if it's appropriate for younger children though.


Are you looking for books from a Chirstian/Biblical perspective? I'm a little confused since Faith and Life is used by conservative/orthodox Catholics and Conversations with God isn't Christian. I don't want to suggest something that you might find offensive. :001_smile:

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Some members of my family have converted from a non-Christian faith to the Catholic faith, and my husband's family is Catholic. I teach my faith-of-origin alongside the family's Catholic beliefs, and aim to familiarize my kids with the world's other religions.


I've introduced other world religions as we've come across them in our history studies. We'll usually break up our history study with a month-long unit study of a religion using just whatever books we can find at the library (mostly biographies, but also generic This Is Hinduism type books). We end the unit study with a visit with a local practictioner OR to a local house of worship where we can learn straight from the horse's mouth about the religion we're studying. I like to immerse them in one faith at a time so they can fully appreciate it; I've never looked at an all-in-one world religion book but like the looks of the one linked above :) My kids really relate to biographies, so those are the heart of our initial exposure to other religions.


I take my kids to weekly Mass, but we do celebrate the festivals and holidays of my faith (alongside various Catholic saint days and high holy days). I think this is a great way to introduce other world religions, too. I'm not organized enough to have done this yet (save for my own religion), but I've always meant to ...

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We've had board books by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso given to us. They often mention being approved by various religious groups, not all (but some) Christian. I think the author might be Jewish. The books on the link above might not all work for you, but some of them might. The same series of board books has some by Lawrence Kushner, and might also be general enough for your purposes, though I think he's Jewish too. But both authors are carried by our local modern Hindu (Ananda community) bookstore.


Old Turtle by Douglas Wood is another good one. The links in the side bar of the Sasso page above might have more good stuff, since Kushner and Wood were in there. :)

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Do you mean Conversation with God by Neale Donald Walsch? He has one for teens - I'm not sure if it's appropriate for younger children though.


Are you looking for books from a Chirstian/Biblical perspective? I'm a little confused since Faith and Life is used by conservative/orthodox Catholics and Conversations with God isn't Christian. I don't want to suggest something that you might find offensive. :001_smile:


Yes, Conversations With God by Walsch. We are not very dedicated Catholics. I find too many things I disagree with. But, I keep coming back to it as other churches I've tried just don't fit. So, I have settled for aquainting my kids with Catholicism, as well as other world religions. Conversations With God is more aligned with my beliefs, but it's difficult to read it to an 8-year-old (although I haven't tried-I don't know how much he would grasp.)


I plan to look up everyone's suggestions. Thank you so much for the help!

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