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Pulling 6th grader out-Newbie-Curriculum help 7 grade!


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11yr old has been in public school since K. Honor roll student with little effort. Math is toughest subject making "b"s and some "a"s. She wants to be a marine biologist and has said so for 3 years. So here is the deal- I have never home schooled and want to be sure she is getting a solid education. I don't see ONE program that looks like "it". Maybe there is one??? And want to be sure she is getting more science that what she has gotten so far and will receive through 8th grade. They only do 1/2 a year of science and split the time with social studies here. We have an honors public charter high school close by that seems to be a good option for her in 9th grade. Teachers have more flexibility in how the run the class, smaller classes etc etc.... 98 % of their seniors move on to college etc etc.


----Curriculum I am considering----

-shurley 7

-Institute for excellence in writing (but don't know which to purchase! a little intimidating since it seems so expensive)

-Introductory Logic (wilson and nance)

-Exploring Creation with General Science or K12 Life Science or Switched on Schoolhouse ...??????

-K12 American History or Switched on Schoolhouse History and Geography 7

-Saxon Algebra 1 or Elementary Algebra (Jacobs)

-PE = 5 1/2 hours of cheerleading a week



As you can see, I am confused on these choices! She thinks having a computer based program would be great, hence the Switched on Schoolhouse and K12. I can not afford to do all k12!

Suggestions? Any experience with any of these?

I am probably ordering the materials and starting now - pulling her out of school and letting her take one of the national tests to "close 6th grade" for her. Sorry this is so long - I don't know what all the abbreviations mean that everyone uses here. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later- Thank you in advance everyone!

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First of all - welcome to the wonderful world of homeschooling. It looks like you have been doing some research and that is a good start. You might want to pick up a copy of Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks. It has valuable information and really helped me make some decisions.


If your DD wants to be a marine biologist you might want to look into Apologia sciences. They have a dedicated Marine Biology course, complete with dissection specimens (shark, clam, starfish).

Here's a link: http://www.apologia.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=8


DS and I are wokring through Physical Science this semester and will be doing Biology & Marine Biology next year.


We are using k12(Powerspeak) this year for Spanish 1. I was excited about it at the beginning but as the year progresses I am becoming disappointed. We chose the online/no teacher option and I don't know if that has made a difference in our experience. So far DS does well and is gaining a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish but not a lot of practical knowledge. There is no writing involved at all. We will be looking for a new Spanish program for next year. Hopefully others who have used k12 will chime in and give a better review.


Good luck in your homeschooling journey.

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First of all, if you're pulling her out now, go ahead and take a little break! Homeschooling is VERY different from being in a ps(public school)! You want to home-school, NOT school-at-home! Take at least a couple of weeks to relax, read books from the library, and readjust the brain. Then start slow. Starat out with a couple of her favorite subjects and get those going well before adding anything else. It's impotant to do that as you both adjust to homeschooling! Once you feel comfortable add in math, or another subject.


You WON'T get behind! PS has lots of extra time built in for getting from class to class, bathroom breaks, recess, lunch, sharpening pencils, getting drinks, and lining up for various things. At home, it will just be her, no lines. She'll get one-on-one attention from you, and things can move along at a faster clip than at ps!


As for curriculum-First I'd find what her learning style is (Google Learning Styles). You don't need to have her take any test you have to pay for. Just find a list that shows the different styles and you'll be able to tell which one or two your dd is closesst to. Then try to match curriculum that works in that way. Kinesthetic learners will need a more hand-on approach, so maybe Math-U-See would be a good fit for that. http://www.mathusee.com/


Some like a "story" type approach to their subjects, and opposed to "just the facts". For that, for math, maybe Life of Fred would be a good fit. http://www.stanleyschmidt.com/FredGauss/index2.html


Those are just two examples. Saxon did not work well with my kids at all, though *I* liked it! :)


Shurley has some good reviews, but it's repetitive with lots of jingles. That works great for some (my middle child), but not for others (my oldest and youngest), so that's another thing to think about. Other English/Grammar curriculums to consider: CLE LA and Reading, Rod & Staff,, and many others


We are doing Write Shop this year with dd. She's enjoying it. We're doing Hake Grammar with it. R&S English has writing with it. Hake has writing with it also, but we are just using the Grammar section.


Remember, as you get going, that YOU are the teacher, and it's YOUR dd's education! If something seems overwhelming, back off of doing parts of it that don't work or don't seem relevant to what you want your dd to learn. You can combine more than one curriculm to get the overall picture you want.


Best wishes!


Anyway, those are just some things I thought about as I read your post.

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----Curriculum I am considering----

-shurley 7

-Institute for excellence in writing (but don't know which to purchase! a little intimidating since it seems so expensive)

-Introductory Logic (wilson and nance)

-Exploring Creation with General Science or K12 Life Science or Switched on Schoolhouse ...??????

-K12 American History or Switched on Schoolhouse History and Geography 7

-Saxon Algebra 1 or Elementary Algebra (Jacobs)

-PE = 5 1/2 hours of cheerleading a week


Welcome to hs'ing. FWIW, here is my 2c:


  • We used Shurley 5. When I saw how much was repeated in Shurley 6, I jumped ship to Analytical Grammar. Although Shurley 7 should be good (and it's good that you'll use IEW with it because the writing instruction in Shurley stinks, imo), you might want to check out Analytical Grammar as well. You may read my review here. AG is also much less teacher intensive, if that is a consideration.

  • My personal expertise is math. My son started Algebra in 7th, and we are doing a 2nd year this year. When you say that it is her toughest subject, I question the need to start Algebra in 7th. You might want to consider Lial's Basic College Math for 7th, then Algebra in 8th. 8th is fine for starting Algebra. Even 9th is fine for starting Algebra.

  • I've heard good things about IEW, but never looked into it myself because I knew I wouldn't watch the DVDs. We're using Write Shop instead, and I've been very pleased with it. You may read my review here.


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Are you pulling dd out right now to finish the rest of 6th grade at home? And plan to homeschool 7th & 8th? And then plan to enter the charter school you mentioned? Just want to make sure I understood your situation before I piped in with my 2 cents. :001_smile:


We pulled ds out of 6th grade last year and finished the year out homeschooling. Your description of your dd--honor student with little effort--described my ds, too.


First of all, is there any curriculum the current school is using that you'd want to continue for the rest of the year? What curriculum does the school use for 9th grade that you'd want your dd to be ready for? I'd look at those two questions first--they might help you figure out where you are currently and see where it is you want to move to. If a particular curriculum is currently 'working' and is a possibility, it might be easiest to just continue with that for now while you make plans for the next year.


For 6th grade, this is what we did for the rest of that year:

Math--Saxon Algebra 1 (using in school previously)

Writing--Jump In (Apologia)

Grammar--Shurley English 6 (using in school previously)

Vocabulary--Vocabulary with Classical Roots


History--we followed the guidelines in his previous school to cover the topics for 6th grade in the Core Knowledge Sequence; but we read lots of historical fiction, used the Kingfisher World History, used SOTW books. Ds wrote narrations, 5 paragraph essays, and created newspaper reports to demonstrate his understanding.

Science--same as history; did lots of fun hands-on experiments from books from the library


My opinion on Saxon Algebra 1--while the program is very repetitive & thorough, I felt like there wasn't enough practice on the brand new concept...instead so much time was spent doing an assignment reviewing everything up to that point. It worked best for us if we spent time on the lesson, did 10-15 problems of that new concept, and only did odds/evens of the lesson practice. (Only problem is the book didn't provide those 10-15 problems to practice the new concept...which would be my biggest complaint with the program)


Also, as you mentioned math may not be the strongest area, one possibility is to purchase Life of Fred to go through before starting algebra. In fact, if I were you I'd consider doing Life of Fred fractions, decimals, and pre-algebra NOW and then starting with the algebra at the beginning of 7th grade. (Life of Fred is a math program that is written more like a story--my kids read it for fun!)


Has your dd used Shurley English before? I think it's a great program and does it's job, but it felt a little more teacher intensive than I had anticipated. If ds hadn't been using it for years in his school, I would have had a harder time doing it. Looking back, I wish we had gone with something a little more independent. I have heard good things about Rod & Staff English and Analytical Grammar, so you might want to look into those.


IEW scared me, too. Mostly the expense, but also how involved it was. And as we were just starting out, I was afraid I'd get too overwhelmed. I felt like Jump In was a terrific way to start on our journey--it's a workbook type of program, writing directly to the student. I just kind of sat along for the ride and gave suggestions here & there. Ds loved it.


Most of what you listed as curriculum choices have been talked about in a positive light on this forum. It is hard to make a choice--there are so many curriculums spoken of here and you'll find people who love it AND hate it for each! I'd find myself leaning toward one writing program, then I'd read a new comment on the forum about a different one...and I'd change my mind. I guess the key is figuring out what it is you want to have covered, looking at the learning style of dd, figuring out how much you can reasonably do, and finding it at a reasonable price. :D No problem, right?


Good luck! Hopefully you'll get lots of feedback here!

Edited by cougarmom4
grammatical error!
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Thank you so much for the feedback.

Yes I am planning on pulling dd out as soon as my orange card comes back from the state.

She has never used shurley and in fact I have not seen *any* grammer work this year in 6th grade! My reason for thinking this may be the way to go with grammer. There has also been limited writing! A lot of reading and talking about the differences in fiction, poetry etc.


Does anyone have experience with Switched on Schoohouse (SOS?) products for 7th grade?


Many thanks - this is so very helpful

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I would suggest combining CLE & MEP for math. CLE is REALLY rigorous, and MEP is very logic-oriented. For CLE, take the placement test. It's very common for kids coming out of public school to test into a level lower than you think they should. My mathy sixth grader is using the 500 level.



CLE Language Arts are excellent for everything except writing.

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I would get The Well Trained Mind, like some others have mentioned. Don't be intimidated by the size of it though. They have divided it into sections - 1st-4th grades, 5-8th grades, and 9-12th grades. They do a great job of explaining what you are looking for and HOW to do it.


Start with the Logic stage (5-8th grade section) and read it. Then as you have time, read the other parts. It is a very easy read and doesn't hurt your head like some other books might.:D


I also agree with Brindee above where she said take your time and relax. A few weeks would be great for you to read WTM/ or other and get to see the big picture. You can figure out what you want to accomplish.


Hope this helps,


PS. We really like Math-U-See and Rod&Staff for grammar. I have a 6th grade daughter that sounds much like yours.

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I would get The Well Trained Mind, like some others have mentioned. Don't be intimidated by the size of it though. They have divided it into sections - 1st-4th grades, 5-8th grades, and 9-12th grades. They do a great job of explaining what you are looking for and HOW to do it.


Start with the Logic stage (5-8th grade section) and read it. Then as you have time, read the other parts. It is a very easy read and doesn't hurt your head like some other books might.:D


I also agree with Brindee above where she said take your time and relax. A few weeks would be great for you to read WTM/ or other and get to see the big picture. You can figure out what you want to accomplish.


Hope this helps,


PS. We really like Math-U-See and Rod&Staff for grammar. I have a 6th grade daughter that sounds much like yours.

:iagree:with not being intimidated by TWTM! It's a great book! Remember, I THINK even Susan Wise Bauer, who wrote the book with her mom, Jessie, said that these are all the possibilities of things that can be done. Don't try to do EVERYthing in the book, or get discouraged because you're not doing everything they suggest! I tried to follow it exactly, but it wasn't working for everything, and I thought I was the only one that couldn't get it all done! There are many others in that same boat, however So I say, use it as a guideline. Pick what works for you, and don't use what doesn't work! There are no TWTM Police who will arrest you for not using the book EXACTLY as it's written! :lol: :lol: I am THRILLED I read the book, and LOVE the ideas presented, but I use parts of what she says, and parts of other things I've found......


I remember feeling overwhelmed at first, but then someone told me what Katie said above. Start out reading about YOUR section--the level your dd is. THEN expand to other things....

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This info is very helpful. I will purchase the book and start reading it. Thanks for the tip on not being intimated by the size.


Any additional feedback out there? Science? Social Studies? I have reviewed the Apologia site and dd is VERY excited to see marine biology! The biology course is a prereq.

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If I were only hs'ing for 1 1/2 years at that age. . .


+ I'd look at Rod & Staff English for grammar and writing.


Perhaps adding in some additional writing (with an emphasis on essays) after 6 months or so. R&S English is very straightforward, complete, and manageable for a newbie mom. Very little prep or planning time. Reliable and solid.


+ Choose spologia for science IF you are a young earth creationist. If you aren't, then there's a lot more research to be done, lol. I would recommend considering Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Science (either 1 or 2), but I haven't USED it yet, just have ordered it for next year, so I can't totally vouch for it.


+ Choose history and science subject matter to follow your daughter's interests. Allow her to help you choose a direction (world or U.S. or one particular era or region. . . general science or one topic, such as marine biology!!)


Get the latest edition of The Well Trained Mind (on amazon) ASAP and start reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This info is very helpful. I will purchase the book and start reading it. Thanks for the tip on not being intimated by the size.


Any additional feedback out there? Science? Social Studies? I have reviewed the Apologia site and dd is VERY excited to see marine biology! The biology course is a prereq


I would second (or is it third?) recommending Apologia for Science. Exploring Creation with General Science is good and will give your daughter a nice overview of several topics she may have missed by not having a year-long Science before.


I use History Odyssey for History, which uses the classical sequence of Ancients, Middle Ages, Early Modern and Modern in a four-year cycle. I love HO and it has some great writing activities and instructions with it. However, if you need to do American History, HO will not be suitable.


Personally, I am not a fan of Switched on Schoolhouse (SOS) as a method. Staring at a computer screen is not science (or history), IMHO. I'm sure it's just the thing for some people, but since you asked for opinions, that would be mine. :D


I'm a big, huge fan of Life of Fred math. I would recommend going through LOF fractions, decimals and pre-algebra before you do algebra. The books do not take long. I think they are quite perfect to help solidify a foundation for algebra beforehand. You are "ahead" of an honors-math sequence already, so I would spend time getting that foundation solid in 7th grade before doing algebra.

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