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Can you tell me why you like Saxon Math, please...


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It helps to know your child's learning style, and/or how well he/she "catches on" to math. IMHO Saxon is VERY repetitive. It didn't work for any of my kids, as much as I wanted it to! But it works GREAT for some!


I heard that the BJU P-A can be more teacher-intensive, but it's a very good program!

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It does depend on your child and your needs. I used BJU for years and loved it. My oldest did the dvds through highschool. I can't afford them now. I use BJU until they reach 3rd/4th and then I switch them over to Teaching Textbooks because the instruction is provided for them and that makes life easier on me.


We are using the Saxon Teacher cds. My middle dd went from TT 7 to Saxon 7/6 and is almost complete and will move into 8/7 in April. She prefers the Saxon Teacher cds. I know this isn't much help. Just what we've done. Some people love Saxon some people hate it.

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I'm a recent convert to Saxon that has used BJU in the past. :)

I liked the way that BJU taught concepts. Each topic was covered in more than one way.


I like the way that the higher levels of Saxon explain the concepts in the lesson. I've been told that 3 and lower are different. My dd tolerates but doesn't really enjoy it, but we are recovering from too much jumping around in math that has left us with strange holes. My brother is a high school math teacher and recommended Saxon to us. He likes the way that it teaches in increments and reviews. He likes the fact that it doesn't let kids get rusty on basic skills and that it takes things in small pieces. He is a firm believer in lots of repetition because he teaches hundreds of kids that get into high school without knowing fractions and long division. I understand that Saxon is repetitive, but... my brother swears by repetition, and he's the only math teacher I know. (of course I also use Life of Fred with Saxon because well, he is my baby brother ;) )

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A math tutor I know said good things about Saxon that is why I am also considering it for my end of year 6th grade PS dd. (pulling out and hsing) The tutor liked the way it continues to reinforce "older" skills as one of the previous posts points out. I am not using it and frankly trying to decide what to purchase myself for every subject LOL!!! but thought I would share that an experienced math tutor had at least recommended it to me for those reasons.

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My dd is only in Saxon 1 but I also did Saxon in private school so I have experience with it. It is thorough, you reach mastery in each concept through much review and I think its the best. The last Saxon I completed was Advanced Mathematics - I would have went on to Calculus my Senior year but I opted to do half day school and work on a job.


I always knew when I had a child one day that I would use Saxon! ;)

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I have taught Saxon Math since I home schooled my oldest three in the mid "80's and in private school beginning in 5th grade up to Algebra II. I love the incremental method and the fact that every lesson is a final for what was previously taught. I have said on this forum before that arithmetic and mathematics are one of the disciplines that are learned by repetition by all. Saxon majors in this and I am with the brother mentioned above who is a teacher, I have seen it work for whole classes full of students with very different learning styles. Some don't like all the practice but they all learn it if they correct their mistakes daily. I recommend testing at least 10 lessons behind to give a full two weeks practice before testing. Each test is a comprehenive final, so no real need for quarterly or other final testing. The newer editions all have Dive CD's and in edition 3 each problem has the lesson referenced where the concept was taught. I can't say enough about how thorough the Saxon Math program is. My last two children were taught Saxon from first grade in private school and both have a solid math foundation. The only children who are not successful are the ones who won't do the 30 problems each night and who won't correct the problems that were missed after reteaching. It is a matter of self-discipline to do the program as designed - no short cuts. When teaching in private school, I used the lesson instructions as a teaching text script so my students and their parents always had my exact words written down in the book if the student needed help away from the classroom. The instuction takes approximately 15 minutes each day with review or reteaching being extra.

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I have never used BJU math, but here is my view on Saxon. It is a wonderful program for most kids. Very intensive, but the "incremental review" insures that children learn the material. I have used Saxon math with several of my children, but I have one child, who by grade 3 was so overwhelmed with Saxon that we quit. She wasn't "getting it" and the constant review of so many concepts at once was too much for her. We used a different program for grades 4 and 5, and now going into 6th next year, she is going to use Teaching Textbooks because it "teaches" it so well and thoroughly. I will be keeping my others in Saxon. This is my 7th year homeschooling, and I am learning that it is okay to adjust curriculum according to the child's learning style! Hope this helps!

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