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Modern History -- dilemma... and resources??

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Okay, so the dilemma is that this year (with a 9th and an 8th grader), we've done ancient history, and really enjoyed doing WTM Great Books approach with several ancient classics. My plan: to move on next year and do medieval history along with British lit. in a similar fashion.


However, my older son esp. is interested in Modern History -- the World Wars, the Hippie Movement (specific example from him), Civil Rights, communism/fall of the Wall, Persian Gulf War/current war/terrorism, etc.


So, my thought is to continue along with our history and lit. as I had planned -- BUT, I'd really like some good documentary resources and a possible textbook on modern events so I can be honoring his request as well. Any specific video resources such as PBS or Teaching Company or the Military Channel documentaries? Books? Other ideas?


Thanks so much in advance! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Hello Lori,


Here are some of the resources we used when studying the 20th century:




Mao Tse-Tung and His China (Albert Marrin)

The Depression and New Deal (Robert McElvaine)

Surviving Hitler (Andrea Warren)

North to Freedom (Anne Holm)

Maus I, II

Vietnam War (Marilyn Young et al.)

Fax from Sarajevo

A Little History of the World by E. H. Gombrich

All Quiet on the Western Front


Diary of Anne Frank

Animal Farm (Orwell)

The Mouse that Roared

W;t (Edson)

Material World





Battleship Potemkin (1904)

The Sinking of the Lusitania (Winsor McCay)

Influenza 1918

The Best Arbuckle Keaton Collection

Inherit the Wind

All Quiet on the Western Front


Rabbit Proof Fence (1930s)

1940's house


Atomic Cafe

Ed Sullivan


All the President's Men

Forrest Gump


Good Morning, Vietnam

The Mouse that Roared





"In Flander's Field" by John McCrae (WWI)




"I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963)





Miss Saigon


I hope you'll find something of interest here!



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We've enjoyed the large book, DK's 20th Century Day by Day. Sonlight used to use it, but went to the software instead. While I'm not crazy about Sonlight 300, I really do enjoy going thru the book.


Watch Band of Brothers, too. It's such a wonderful series.

Oh, and for a much less violent film, watch The Scarlet and the Black. GREAT movie.

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We've not studied the 20th Century in depth at a high school level, but one book I will *always* include is No Picnic on Mount Kenya. This is the true story of an Italian POW (in a British concentration camp) and how he and two others escape to climb Mr. Kenya, knowing that they would have to go back to the camp after their feat. A very interesting look at the realities of life when reduced to nothing but a number. I think it offers an excellent but differing POV worth contrasting with Nazi concentration camps.



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