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x-post Double defecit dyslexia?


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My niece has been diagnosed with double-defecit dyslexia and add. She just turned 8. She has had speech issues and some motor control issues, both fine and gross. She has a great memory, but she has a really hard time relating what she is trying to say - she gets sidetracked within a story and will wander all around trying to come up with what she was saying. My sis took her to a developmental pediatrician and after an hour diagnosed her with the above and prescribed a drug for the add.


Sis decided to try the medication because honestly, she is at her wits end with how to help her dd. She said the medication does help her dd focus, but she is jittery all the time and she has noticed some behaviour changes. This last week she decided to stop the medication and her dd was in tears because she "couldn't make her brain work".


The concern is that while the medication may help with the add symptoms, if she has dyslexia shouldn't she be in special classes to help her learn materials in a different way? She does have speech and OT for an hour each week, but if the difficulty is in her learning process it seems the medication won't aid with that at all.


I know nothing about either condition. Our brother is severely dyslexic but never exhibited any of the speech or physical symptoms that my niece does. Sis called this morning in tears because she has no idea where to go from here and I had no advice to offer her. I'm hoping someone here can give me some ideas that may help her out.


HSing is not an option at this point. There are other family factors that prevent that from being a possibility at this point.

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First on the meds---I would have her call the doctor and see about a different dose or medication. At the proper dose, she should not be jittery, etc. It does seem to be helping though if your niece notices the difference.


The speech and OT are very helpful. Yes, special classes would be ideal for teaching her better methods. Reality is though, most special education classes don't really address the special learning needs, instead they just take the regular program and slow it down. There are some schools though that really do teach LD kids in different ways.


Your sister might have to work on her own on the basic reading, etc. Could she work with her even 15 minutes a day? If so, http://www.3rsplus.com is a wonderful program that really works well with LD kids and is very easy to use for parents. Apples and Pears Spelling is very good as well and could be "taught" by an older sibling as well.

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