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Remind me again how to homeschool with an 18 mo?

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If he likes to be carried, will he sit in your lap and cuddle? Would he be occupied with some board books, some cheerios, or messy pudding in a highchair?


No, briefly, no, no. :D He does enjoy reading books on my lap. But simply sitting there while I teach or discuss with the elder kids? Unfortunately, no.


Messy stuff he does without encouragement.


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From the time she could crawl, this little one has been a handful. I can't turn my back on her for a second or she is writing all over herself (and the walls) with markers or glue sticks, crawling up on the table, trying to stick things in outlets, etc. The thing that works best for us is to get the big kid up before her (my boys are naturally early risers, but my 10dd is not, so I don't bother her) and get some work in, then work really hard while the toddler is napping. The kids can do quite a bit by themselves, so this is usually enough, but if not I have them take turns playing with her back in her room with the door shut while I work with whoever needs me. I have also taken my 10dd to the coffee shop at night while dh was home when we needed extra time to prep for science fair.

I keep reminding myself that she will be the high schooler before I know it, and I just need to relax and enjoy her. :)

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I'm right there with you. Ds1 turned 18 mos. on the 12th. He is demanding, no doubt about it. The other kids don't get as much time as they would like with me, due to him. But he is fun for all of us, too, and makes us be less selfish, so I guess we'll keep him.:)


I hear you on thinking you should have this down pat by now, too. Ds1 is my fifth, but I don't feel like any kind of parenting expert at all.

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Battlemaiden! How are you? I was just thinking the other day that I had not seen a post from you in a long time.

Thank God for this unruly little one - at least it got you to post...oh what to do?

Don't know...


Crayons and large butcher paper on the floor?

Lots of benadryl (should make him sleepy) :D

Wear him out by selecting another child to entertain him wildly with dancing, tickling and laughing while you work with some of the other children, then rotate the "entertainer" child so everyone gets to do some work and play.


Helpful? Hardly! But good to "see" you!!!




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I have an early-2 yro....it is nerve-wracking. I actually got so worked up at the store the other day that I started having chest pains. :001_huh:


You can get a LOT done during naps.


I also have an early 5 yro who plays with her most of the time.


When I'm ready to do some schoolwork with the older kids, I'll set up a scene on the living room table. I'll put little animals everywhere, put up a dollhouse or princess castle and try to get out some little toys that she hasn't seen in a few days. This usually keeps her attention for about an hour.


Rice in a cookie sheet usually takes up about an hour also...especially if you add in those matchbox trucks and ponies.


Have you tried Lego baths? I'll put the 2 yro on the floor and pour a bucket of duplos all around her and she gets so excited. The excitement is usually long enough to do WWE 1 and 2. She's a weird one... :lol: Whatever works, I guess. :tongue_smilie:

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Battlemaiden! How are you? I was just thinking the other day that I had not seen a post from you in a long time.

Thank God for this unruly little one - at least it got you to post...oh what to do?

Don't know...


Crayons and large butcher paper on the floor?

Lots of benadryl (should make him sleepy) :D

Wear him out by selecting another child to entertain him wildly with dancing, tickling and laughing while you work with some of the other children, then rotate the "entertainer" child so everyone gets to do some work and play.


Helpful? Hardly! But good to "see" you!!!





[Waving wildly] Aloha, Liz! It is always good to come here and see familiar, friendly "faces."


We are doing well. I'm finding the four grades are time consuming. I have less what to do questions, and more how to effectively apply what I know questions. Know what I mean? I do miss hanging with the hive, and I sometimes pop in and search topics, knowing most of my inquiries have been inquired before. :D


Thanks for the advice for the 18mo. I am always looking for new ideas. I thought the lego bath idea was great. I would try benadryl, but we just flew from Hawaii to Orlando recently and I can verify that it definitely does NOT make my son sleepy. :001_huh::lol:


I hauled big rolls of Ikea drawing paper home in suitcases for just what you suggested with crayons. I just need to get all these ideas organized and written down so I can refer to them on the days that I can't think of how to deal with this wild, wonderful, busy boy.


Thanks again.



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I'm right there with you. Ds1 turned 18 mos. on the 12th. He is demanding, no doubt about it. The other kids don't get as much time as they would like with me, due to him. But he is fun for all of us, too, and makes us be less selfish, so I guess we'll keep him.:)


I hear you on thinking you should have this down pat by now, too. Ds1 is my fifth, but I don't feel like any kind of parenting expert at all.

:iagree: He is definitely helping us all be patient. :lol:

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