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Dd woke up this morning saying she doesn't feel good

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She told me her throat hurt yesterday. I looked at it and it wasn't red or swollen.


She woke up this morning telling me that she didn't feel good, so I got the thermometer and it was 100.4. I waited about 15 mins and took it again it read 99.7. I am thinking I took the first temp on the ear she was laying on..does that matter? I will take it again in a little bit, she is still in bed.

I checked her throat and it does look a little red and swollen. I was trying to see if there was any white, but don't see any...I am not good at looking at my dc's throat, I don't really know what to look at but the sides..is this right??



I know when I get a bad head cold I have drainage, which makes my throat really sore. I take Benadryl.

Anyone else get that? What do you take?

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If she has a lot of congestion, I would give her something to break it up, like Mucinex or guafasin. Her throat is probably sore from the drip. Keep her throat moist. Some honey and lemon might help that, too, or something to suck on like a lollipop. My kids have never had strep, but I'm always told to keep an eye out for that. Maybe some of our nurses will pipe in with better advice!

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I usually give my kiddos a separate Tylenol and cold medicine, but 99.7 fever isn't really high enough to medicate yet. For the sore throat, we usually just use cough drops that coat the throat (Chloroseptic makes some great ones), so that the child can eat or drink.


I would wait her out for today. There is a lot of sinus/allergy stuff going around with all the spring pollen, or it could just be a head cold. Have you guys had the flu this season?

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