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Supplementing public high school history?

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Background: DD will enter 9th grade in the fall and will be attending our local public high school. The middle school is faaaar from rigorous, but I don't know much about the high school. The H.S. has the IB program, and from what I understand you have to take the right classes as a freshman and sophomore in order to qualify to take IB classes as a junior & senior. DD isn't sure whether she wants to do IB or not but will probably get on the right "track" so the option is open.


Anyway, Freshmen take no history. :001_huh:. The state schools only require 3 years of social studies so that's all the school offers. I'd like to supplement this at home, with something that will prepare her for later history courses. She is doing Sonlight Core 100 this year (US history). Obviously I don't want it to be super intensive given that she will be taking a full courseload at school and I will probably have to supplement the math with Chalkdust CDs.


So here is what the H.S. schedule is:


-Sophomores do 1 yr. of world history

-Juniors take 1 yr. of US history (or IB History of the Americas - students can get 12 college credits through the CC for this class)

-Seniors take government (or IB Modern World History).


Given that she is finishing up US history, I was thinking she could read through SOTW 1-4 but is that waaaaay too much for 1 year? Even if she's not doing a lot of "gravy" for it?


The other idea was to have her do SL Core Alt 7, which uses CHOW, Usborne world history, and 3 Genevieve Foster books. Cost isn't an issue since I own everything anyway. :tongue_smilie:


What would you suggest?

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Personally I would supplement with some World Geography as that is the course your school is opting out of. Add in a few core books as she has time.


As a full time high school student your dd will probably have 2 or more hours of homework EVERY DAY--especially if she is in any of the honors classes. Don't overload her with supplements. She will NEED her down time!

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We just had a thread on all of the great history documentaries available. This might not seem like as much work as reading books. I'd make sure "Guns Germs and Steel" is on the list because it provides a good framework for thinking about history.


On the other hand--if she likes to read, there are lots of great, accessible history books aimed at the lay public. And lots of great historical fiction. Again, this might not seem like "work" compared to using a text book, but would still provide lots of background.

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We do watch a lot of documentaries, but we lean towards science so I will check out that thread. Thank you!



Check your library for The Teaching Company DVDs & CDs that cover history & literature topics. In addition, why not use SWB's high school level history books as summer reading while throwing in a few literature selections? This way your dd may concentrate on her high school studies,and you'll know she's covered all of world history.

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