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Happy Birthday, Charles Dickens! How shall we celebrate?

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We watched Little Dorrit last weekend so I was inspired to dig out a biography of Mr. Dickens I had bought years ago at a library book sale - Charles Dickens, the Last of the Great Men by G.K. Chesterton. I read the first chapter yesterday, which was about the times he lived in and today I began chapter two - his boyhood. The first sentence says he was born on February 7, 1812. I had no idea!! I think it's kind of nifty that I read that right on his birthday.:)


Anyway, after I announce it to the family ds13 says, "Let's watch Little Dorrit again to celebrate."


Ok, I'm just not up for another 8 hours of that - maybe next year on Feb. 7th. Got any ideas on how we can celebrate? I'm going to keep reading the bio, but thought maybe we could no something else more creative later on this evening if anyone here comes up with a great suggestion.

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Afte a meal of leg o' mutton, how about pulling up some chairs to a cozy fire, children at your feet, the adults imbibing in a glass o' meade or punch (Mr. Micawber style) and reading a little from your fav Dickens novel?


(I love Dickens - wish I had a fire place. Poe's birthday was easy...Dickens, not so much)

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