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Yet another Facebook/dh question

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The subject of Facebook came up today at a homeschool park time. I put out the topic that came up on here recently about having friends of the opposite gender who your spouse doesn't know. I told my feeling, that I have many male friends dh doesn't know, doesn't care to know, etc. And I do sometimes pop chat with them too. Everything is above board and innocent; dh and I are friends and have access to each others profile and wall.


One woman opened up about her dh's actions for us to discuss. She had an account, then later he signed up for one and when she tried to tell him how to friend her he refused. He wanted his own space free from hers and without her watching him and commenting to him. She believes him that he's doing nothing wrong. It wasn't the consensus opinion of the group, though. Personally, I think he's up to no good or leaving the door open for it somewhere down the line, but that's just me. What would you think?

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The subject of Facebook came up today at a homeschool park time. I put out the topic that came up on here recently about having friends of the opposite gender who your spouse doesn't know. I told my feeling, that I have many male friends dh doesn't know, doesn't care to know, etc. And I do sometimes pop chat with them too. Everything is above board and innocent; dh and I are friends and have access to each others profile and wall.


One woman opened up about her dh's actions for us to discuss. She had an account, then later he signed up for one and when she tried to tell him how to friend her he refused. He wanted his own space free from hers and without her watching him and commenting to him. She believes him that he's doing nothing wrong. It wasn't the consensus opinion of the group, though. Personally, I think he's up to no good or leaving the door open for it somewhere down the line, but that's just me. What would you think?


I'm not one that gets bothered by much of anything, but I think he'd discover a jealous streak that was previously non-existent.


He certainly wouldn't want me sending all those inappropriate flairs to anyone else.


But yeah, in all seriousness, I'd be way bothered to the point of tantrum. I can't imagine it ever happening. If I were her, I'd friend every single person on his friend's list. Because I'm friendly, not passive aggressive. :tongue_smilie:

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