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Greek - Question about this book


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Ok, so dd is learning Greek. She is about done with Hey Andrew Level 1 - I'm not overly thrilled with it. I'd like to wait for Greek for Children to finally come out rather than continue with Hey Andrew. I might end up going with Elementary Greek if it takes too long. Anyhow, I digress....


While I wait on Greek for Children, I was thinking of giving her extra practice with the Code Cracker book. Seems like fun and it will keep her letters fresh. It doesn't look like it will take overly long though, so what else to do?


I found this book on Amazon:

First 100 Words


Would this work? I know there is Koine (which she is learning) and Attic.... I admit to being a bit confused by the whole sequence of where she will eventually end up.... Anyhow, if I chose to wait for Greek for Children, will this book be a good way to pass the time? I'm thinking that maybe this is the more modern version of the language... argh, this is what I get for not learning along with her.


I need a tutorial lol.

Edited by krisperry
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This book is going to be modern Greek which is not what you want...I think. Koine is the language the New Testament was written in. Most people who study Koine exclusively do so because they have a desire to read the Bible in its original text. Since there is a preponderance of Koine materials for young students, many choose to start in Koine and move to Attic later on. Attic is older, more complicated and the language you would study in college or to be able to read ancient Greek texts. The move from Koine to Attic is a challenging one, but Koine is a great foundation for any student preparing to move into Attic later. From what I know, Greek for Children will be Attic.(I was mistaking this program for another--Greek Prep. Greek for Children will be Koine.) Elementary Greek is Koine, as is Hey, Andrew.


Eta: I would use the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker book, Greek'n'stuff also has an activity book you can use, or you could look into Song School Greek.

Edited by Dawn E
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From what I know, Greek for Children will be Attic.


Ooh. I had not heard that. I knew Galore Park's Greek Prep is supposed to be Attic, but at the risk of annoying Laura Corin (again) ;) I do not think it is ever coming out.


My kids LOVE Greek Code Cracker. I'm about to move us into Elementary Greek, but if Greek for Children is Attic, I'm tempted (somewhat) to wait.

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I should have added, "I don't know much" before "From what I know.":001_smile:


I was confusing Greek for Children with the very program you mentioned, Saille. Greek Prep seems to be the only Attic choice for younger children. Sorry! Seriously, though, the Koine programs are going to greatly prepare your children for moving on to something like Athenaze in high school.

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I'm going to use the Greek Alphabetarion (Harvey Bluedorn) in 3rd after Hey Andrew! Level 1. Then start EG in 4th (unless GfC is out and it looks better). I mainly don't want to hit grammar in Latin and Greek at the same time, and I think Greek is harder.

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She is actually 11 and hasn't complained once about Hey Andrew (which is clearly below her level). She loves it. I ordered it before I found Code Cracker or I would have started there.


I'm struggling a bit this year - pregnant with #6 and my thyroid meds have to keep being adjusted... Anyhow, Hey Andrew has worked to teach her the alphabet without any help from me to speak of (aside from flash cards from time to time).


She is bright so I know I can throw her into whatever and she will get it. That said, I don't want to kill her love for it either. I wish she would have chosen Latin *sigh* I did do 2 years of Latin in college.


Here is the thing - I'm not Christian. However, I'm married to a Christian man and our children certainly use their fair share of Christian materials. Doesn't bother me much that the main goal is to be able to read the Bible in Greek - that would suit my daughter just fine. I prefer the idea of her knowing Attic so that she can read some of the other ancient documents. It does help to know that by her studying Koine, it will be a good foundation for Attic.


Maybe we will stick with Hey Andrew after all. She certainly seems to enjoy it. Maybe do the Code Cracker and then move to Level 3 of Hey Andrew?


Thanks to all who have responded.

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My only experience is with Elementary Greek, and we've recently started volume 3. In addition, I am taking an Attic Greek class at a local university using the text From Alpha to Omega by Anne Groton. The Koine I've had with Elementary Greek has directly helped me with the Attic! Because I had finished 2 volumes of EG, I already know a portion (often a majority) of 13 chapters in the college text. Of course, the college text is more detailed and moves much more quickly. If I had finished all of EG first, it would have taken me further.


I don't know anything about Hey Andrew, but I wanted to mention that the audio portion of EG has been very helpful for us. We also make good use of the flashcards. We have a huge stack that includes all the words we've learned, and I divide them into 4 stacks for review, one for each day of the week (on color-coded rings -- I know...but it works for us!) The EG workbook also reviews past declensions regularly.


My 7th & 5th graders and I are going through this program together. I'm really not sure how either of them would do if they were doing this independently, even though there are enough support materials with EG. If you or your husband can give her support and accountability, even if you don't go through the program with her, I think it would be very beneficial. With your Latin background, you could explain things like cases and declensions, etc.


I've noticed some online Attic options for ages 14 and up, so you could plan on that. Spending a few years with the Koine programs that are available for her age, getting comfortable with the language, and memorizing the declensions and conjugations will be very beneficial for her!

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My 11yo dd went through "Code Cracker" and had a great time with it. She's now halfway through level 1 of Elementary Greek and loves that, too. Her goal is to take high school level Greek online with Lukeion Project, but she didn't want to wait that long. If your dd is 11, I think EG is a perfect fit. Bite-size lessons, clearly laid out, but challenging enough to hold interest. :)

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Bite-size lessons, clearly laid out, but challenging enough to hold interest. :)


:iagree: I wish all my homeschool materials were laid out as clearly! Each lesson is meant to take a week, and it's broken down into 4 or 5 daily chunks (15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5 -- the .5 lesson is often lighter or review).

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I am very happy with Hey Andrew!


I just wanted to mention that my children completed the Code Cracker book very quickly and they had had no prior exposure to Greek other than a banner that I hung up in the living room with the alphabet on it. I believe it only took them a few weeks to go through Code Cracker. They were able to crack the code and figure out the solution BEFORE they had completed the book. So, once they had done that, there wasn't alot of motivation to complete the book. Once the mystery is figured out, there is just alot of writing and it felt tedious to them. They did like it and it was a fun intro. to Greek for us but I just wanted to share that your child will probably go through it very quickly.

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Thank you - explaining to me that the lessons are broken down into .1 .2 .3 is something that really appeals to me. I'm thinking that might be the way to go then. I much prefer very clearly outlined plans - so I can deviate from them with confidence :lol:


I think I'll have her do the Code Cracker Book with should buy me some time before we start Elementary Greek. Wahhoooo! I love having a plan. Thanks!


She did want to start French next year. Thank goodness that is a language I actually have studied the most! I think I'll have her start Elementary Greek I towards the latter part of this year (we are running behind this year) and then continue into 7th grade. Probably find something super simple to just start the French learning process - I don't want to overwhelm and honestly I think French will be much much easier. I still have my old French books from college and my husband has his from Highschool and college - maybe we will just dig those out and go super slow.

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Ooh. I had not heard that. I knew Galore Park's Greek Prep is supposed to be Attic, but at the risk of annoying Laura Corin (again) ;) I do not think it is ever coming out.



I think it's a bit project for a small publishing house - it won't sell many copies and will be expensive to produce. I'm not holding my breath.



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