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Classical Liberal Arts Academy (CLAA) Arithmetic. Anyone?math_art1.gif

I have a son who is on lesson 3. The course starts out easy but that doesn't mean it's not full of info. Lesson 3 is on linear measure. Do you really need to spend hours and hours learning this? Just learn it in one day, review in real life and there ya go - done. I like the course. I've looked at some of the lessons up to 15. I like the lessons because they teach the 'bricks' that you can use to build any building you want. As an engineer I see the value in learning math this way as opposed to the modern way. It's how I see math anyway.

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I have a son who is on lesson 3. The course starts out easy but that doesn't mean it's not full of info. Lesson 3 is on linear measure. Do you really need to spend hours and hours learning this? Just learn it in one day, review in real life and there ya go - done. I like the course. I've looked at some of the lessons up to 15. I like the lessons because they teach the 'bricks' that you can use to build any building you want. As an engineer I see the value in learning math this way as opposed to the modern way. It's how I see math anyway.


Thank you very much -- this is the type of feedback I am seeking. It sounds like Arithmetic is structured in a similar fashion to CLAA's Grammar I - Latin...and we are having a positive experience with that.


Again, thanks!

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It is set up like the other classes. Examples of two later lessons (14 and 15 maybe?) are posted on the CLAA forum. It is my dd's favorite CLAA class - but it could just be because she is pretty good at math and not very far along - so it is fairly easy for her. :D

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It is set up like the other classes. Examples of two later lessons (14 and 15 maybe?) are posted on the CLAA forum. It is my dd's favorite CLAA class - but it could just be because she is pretty good at math and not very far along - so it is fairly easy for her. :D


What other classes is she taking?


I keep coming back to the CLAA website, but I'm just not sure about it yet. :lurk5:


It requires a certain level of committment, I have found. THAT is not a bad thing -- I think the course content is phenomenol.

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What other classes is she taking?



DD 12 is taking Arithmetic, Grammar, Vocabulary, Catechism, Chronology and Geography. She will be picking up the writing program in September so I think she will have to drop Geography after Geography I. She would prefer to drop the Vocabulary instead or keep going with seven classes. I'm not sold on either of those options, but we have a few months to think about it. Arithmetic is her favorite class, followed by Geography - but she has always been my math/science type child.

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What other classes is she taking?



DD 12 is taking Arithmetic, Grammar, Vocabulary, Catechism, Chronology and Geography. She will be picking up the writing program in September so I think she will have to drop Geography after Geography I. She would prefer to drop the Vocabulary instead or keep going with seven classes. I'm not sold on either of those options, but we have a few months to think about it. Arithmetic is her favorite class, followed by Geography - but she has always been my math/science type child.



Thank you for the info -- I may PM you for more info as I am quite impressed with the CLAA course content my DD is almost 11.

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It requires a certain level of committment, I have found. THAT is not a bad thing -- I think the course content is phenomenol.


Commitment I have...I think I'm going through the process of letting go of the modern mindset of education and moving towards a true Classical education. This is a major paradigm shift. I am a teacher by trade, and all of my research into homeschool curricula has taught me how poor my teacher training was. (ie: whole language, etc....) CLAA is another major shift, but I have a feeling that God is calling us there. I've asked my DH to look at the site, and he won't have time until the weekend.


DS1 learned to read so early that I have not pursued more intensive phonics with him. I was planning on getting back to that this year for his 1st grade year. He is showing some bad habits of guessing at words, because it has been so long since he has had phonics instruction. Here is where my confusion lies. Do I begin petty school and have him learn some phonics in Latin? Will that confuse him? Should I do more English phonics first? I am planning on doing a Catholic Classical Co-op next year, but it is more along TWTM/Classical Conversations Classical. Now I'm questioning if that is too much curricula for him after looking at CLAA. The simplicity of CLAA is very attractive.


We watched the Petty school sample Math lesson online today. He was interested in counting to three in Latin and even repeated it to me at dinner on his own!!!! He is a very book smart child, and I know he would thrive with this education.


I appreciate any feedback you may have.

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Commitment I have...I think I'm going through the process of letting go of the modern mindset of education and moving towards a true Classical education. This is a major paradigm shift. I am a teacher by trade, and all of my research into homeschool curricula has taught me how poor my teacher training was. (ie: whole language, etc....) CLAA is another major shift, but I have a feeling that God is calling us there. I've asked my DH to look at the site, and he won't have time until the weekend.


DS1 learned to read so early that I have not pursued more intensive phonics with him. I was planning on getting back to that this year for his 1st grade year. He is showing some bad habits of guessing at words, because it has been so long since he has had phonics instruction. Here is where my confusion lies. Do I begin petty school and have him learn some phonics in Latin? Will that confuse him? Should I do more English phonics first? I went to the CLAA site and read the Petty school samples -- I think that since your ds1 is already reading, you could probably go to their reading program and have him learn phonics in Latin. I must tell you, the 'Latin; instruction on CLAA that my children are getting as been valuable as far as educating them as just about anything else we have been doing -- The Grammar I from CLAA and the MCT Language Arts program are the two big positive impacts on our homeschooling year. I am planning on doing a Catholic Classical Co-op next year, but it is more along TWTM/Classical Conversations Classical. Now I'm questioning if that is too much curricula for him after looking at CLAA. The simplicity of CLAA is very attractive. I have made myself crazy in the past trying to do TOO much -- After reading Latin Centered Curriculum and tweaking that with CLAA, I am finally confident that my three are getting the depth that I want them to have in their subject matter.


We watched the Petty school sample Math lesson online today. He was interested in counting to three in Latin and even repeated it to me at dinner on his own!!!! He is a very book smart child, and I know he would thrive with this education.


I appreciate any feedback you may have.


Interesting -- I am a classroom teacher by trade as well. But, my three who are at home spent K-4 in a private, classical Christian school. Have you read the boards at CLAA? This thread here is the most info I've ever been able to get here regarding CLAA...and I've found the CLAA website to have the most info I've been able to find.


I didn't look closely at the Petty school sample as my three are past that. I have all three of mine enrolled in Grammar I and DD10 enrolled in World Chronology as well. Additionally, all three are doing MCT Language. I would like to continue to add CLAA courses, and I will, however, the CLAA courses are so rigorous that I am a bit apprehensive about them regarding my third graders (twins) -- not for lack of their ability -- they are certainly able to handle the level of work - but apprehensive about my ability to supervise all three at that level of work.


I'm sure I haven't answered your question in any way that is remotely helpful, but I, too, did feel called to move towards CLAA and thier offerings.

Edited by MariannNOVA
ETA - Petty School info
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I have dd12 enrolled in Catechism, Grammar I and Vocabulary and as of today we've added Arithmetic and Geography. My other two, ds10 (Catechism, Geography) and dd7 (Petty Reading & Petty Arithmetic...I wanted to wait for Grammar I with her, but after seeing some further Petty School lessons I decided that it will be good for her to take these courses before Grammar I) are just starting this week.


I can just say that I have found was I was looking for for the last few years. I was looking for a "logic centered", "developing thinking" curriculum. We've went through 2 years of WTM and 1 year of TOG before that plus different LA studies. As for Arithmetic my dd12 is doing Singapore 6B right now and I am not sure if we will start any "normal" Algebra or just stick with the Arithmetic Course for good. The same goes for the other kids, i.e. they are in Singapore and TT for now.


The best place to get the answers would be on a CLAA Family Forum, where you need to be signed up to read all of the threads.

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There is no age or grade range. It depends only on readiness of your child. The kids enrolled now in Arithmetic I are between 6-14 y.o. Everyone progresses according to their abilities and goals.


What's the grade or age range for CLAA Arithmetic? It looks like a great course! Is there anything similar offline?



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