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Finished R&S English4 .....what next until Eng5 .......??

lindaO in Va

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I don't want to start English 5 until September when we begin our school year .....what would you do to keep the skills fresh in 10yodd's brain ???


Would something like Editor in Chief be useful to complete over the summer?


Any other suggestions would be of great help!!!:D



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You could just pick a sentence or two out of a book he is reading or a picture book and have him analyze it aloud with you. You could have him diagram parts of it as well if you want. You could also do dictation from the punctuation/capitilization chapter or from anything else to keep those skills fresh.


Warning - sentences from real books will have parts he hasn't covered yet, and if you are like me, parts you may not know what to do with. Sometimes I just give my child a preview, sometimes I just skip that part of the sentence explaining to him that he will learn that later.




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It's really fun and reinforces already taught skills. I'm doing it on Fridays and then just 2 sentences per day during the week in addition to my grammar program. It makes for a nice diversion and my son enjoys using the cards. It helps make the concepts concrete in his mind.


Just a thought,


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Use that time for fun with creative writing? Rod and Staff is such a thorough program, I really don't see why your child could not just enjoy a grammar break for a while. FWIW I do value grammar--I am a former proofreader/copyeditor/editor. Since your child finished that book, though, this could be a nice time to have him write some short stories, or maybe a long continuous story that is added to day-by-day? The break could exercise his mind in a different way, and he can approach R&S 5 feeling refreshed.


Just a thought.

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