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decided to do a gentle intro to Latin for dd8 (help! I dont want to be bored!)


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Ok, so (honestly) the thought of Latin just makes me feel like letting out a big "yuck".....that sounds terrible doesnt it. :tongue_smilie: Only because i have never been taught or exposed to it, so it always seemed boring.

So, as you can see....I have preconcieved notions and judgements about what teaching this would be like....all of which i have NOT passed to dd8....she has no idea about latin so far because i have never mentioned it.

But despite all of this, I am feeling led to introduce it (in a fun and gentle way), because I DO believe in the merit of it being so foundational to learning other languages. Since i wont be teaching any other for. languages because i have no background and i feel it would be useless unless you do immersion (plus lack of time), then I feel that if I can AT LEAST teach Latin; I would be giving them a good grounding to take off in other languages (of their choosing) later on in upper grades (when i can farm them out :seeya: to a co-op class or college level...etc)

Sooooooooo, my question is, can someone recommend a curric that will be "not a lot of time"...maybe once a week. One we will enjoy, and is easy and fun. Also, one that will lead us into another level the following year.

Here are some choices that i have been reading up on:

Lively Latin

Prima Latina


Matin Latin

Latin for Children

....any thoughts or reccomendations for me?:confused:

Thanks!!!! Happy Easter!!!!!

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We used PL & have a copy of Minimus on hand for something different. PL is gentle & we found it fun, added Lingua Angelica CD for some music. PL has Christian content. PL is also taught from a grammar angle, you may or may not like this- very good grammar intro if your dd hasn't had any. You have a good list going-


if you haven't already thought of it----

use the search feature to search the threads for each specific program- I've seen a few posts that might help, look for Plaid Dad.

Latin is fun!

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Song School Latin is just being released on March 31...it looks like it is a fun intro course to Latin to get started with and the age range is K-3rd grade. I will be using it next fall with my upcoming 3rd and 1st graders. I haven't seen it yet, but the samples look great to me.


It's by Classical Academic Press, the same company that has Latin for Children.



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I have heard a lot of good stuff about it. It seems that the only drawback is having to print everything out?? Is that true?? How much exactly gets printed out? Is it all ebook?

Right now, I am between Lively Latin and PL for my dd8.

I am afraid of PL getting boring...but I am also afraid of LL getting forgotten since it sounds like there will be teacher prep...or am I wrong?

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We're only in chapter 2 of LL, but I haven't found it horrible for teacher prep. We make the flashcards together . . . we read the history together . . . the online pronounciation download makes life very easy for practice.


The printing out does stink a bit -- let's be honest, but even if it were in a hardcopy format, I'd still have to copy so both children could use it at the same time . . . it's a minor glitch I cope with for the benefit of using a latin program that works for me and my kidlets.

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after spinning in circles deciding what to do.... drum roll.....

....i have decided that since I only want to get our feet wet with Latin for dc for next year as an intro...and I dont really have much time to devote to it. We are going to do PL!

Then next year we will slide into LL if I still like Latin...lol!

This plan seems to make the most sense since I have a ds7 that will be listening in as well with dd8.5....and it will be gentle for him as well.

Thank you everyone for all your help to sort this out!! I just love this board!:grouphug:

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