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I need Recommendation for Microscope and Incubator

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I am no help in the microscope department, but I can help with an incubator. If you want to use it for just a science project and are not looking to spend much, it is possible to build one pretty inexpensively. It is actually pretty fun, and you can get the parts from Home Depot/Lowes, the thrift store, and misc parts you have around the house. I would stay away from the cheap $20 ones that hold 3 eggs. An inexpensive still-air incubator can be found at a local farm/ag store for around $40-50. These are usually made by Little Giant and will do an OK job. These are light-weight styrofoam incubators. I have styrofoam ones that are more expensive, but have a fan to circulate the heat, and a digital temp control. I am pretty serious hatcher, though, and can justify dropping $150 on an incubator. I use the Hovabator Genesis 1588. The first one I had, though, I made. It did the job and was something that I just quickly outgrew. If you want more info on making one, I would be happy to help. For eggs, you can find fertile eggs in the health food/natural food stores. One of my favorite chickens is one that I hatched from grocery eggs!

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Don't know about incubators, but I can help with the microscope. Numerous people here, including myself, have and love the Brock Magiscope available through Rainbow Resource. We've all gotten package III. Another popular one I hear about is Sonlight's microscope. If you want info. on the Brock, pm me. I'll be more likely to see your message there than here. Good luck!

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You might see if you can borrow an incubator because a higher-quality one will make a difference. Our local county extension office has one that they loan out. They require a deposit that they return to you when you bring it back. Several local families in our area that raise chickens and sell eggs also have loaners, and I know several private school teachers who own ones that they loan out.


As for microscopes, I have taught various homeschool science sessions for K-6th in various co-ops, and have gotten by for years with a basic stereo microscope like this http://www.hometrainingtools.com/20x-iexplore-stereo-microscope/p/MI-20KIDS/ that I found cheap at a going-out-of-business sale and a pocket microscope like this: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/pocket-microscope-100x/p/MI-PK100X/. If you're perpetually broke like I am, these are fine for the lower grades and are portable enough that you can take them outside, on field trips, etc.


If we get a tax refund this year though, I've already put dibs on enough to buy a "real" microscope because we're approaching high school and the cheapies I've listed above are not enough for high school. For that I would recommend the Brock, the one from Sonlight, or one from Home Science Tools or Tobin's Lab. All are good ones. I personally will probably not go with a Brock only because I do teach co-op classes and may end up doing a high school biology lab next year and want to use a "regular" microscope for that with a projector that I can use in a classroom. The Brock doesn't seem to work as well for that sort of thing.

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I haven't really done any research on purchasing microscopes, but I was a Medical Microbiologist for ten years (so I know a little bit about what I like and don't like in a microscope). I'd say besides the strength of the scope itself, that having two eye pieces is hands down the most important thing to me. They are easier to focus and in general "see" with. JMO



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