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Paranoid - Live, Lived, Will Live

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A strong password has random numbers, random letters, and special characters. Some of the letters will be upper case and some will be lower case. The password should be fairly long, too.


I use Roboform to remember all of my websites, user IDs, and passwords. You can use a master password to secure any or all of the others. I've never used it to its fullest but I'm working on changing that.

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I don't know. I tend to fall into the "I don't worry much about it" camp. I only hang out here, and you guys are fellow homeschoolers, for Pete's sake!:D I honestly don't worry about what everyone here may or may not know. I do have a blog, but it's more of a scrapbook. No one ever really looks at it besides friends and family or people from here, which is absolutely fine with me, and I don't try to draw anyone else to it.


As for email, outside of my contact list, there is nothing of consequence that anyone could take from my email account. I don't keep anything important there.


We have friends who are VERY cautious online, and they ended up having their social security numbers stolen from someone who worked at their mortgage company. It had nothing to do with the internet.


A few months ago, I was awakened by a call from our credit card company about a fraudulent charge on my card. This is the card that is connected to my husband's office, so I only use it when I buy something for his practice or to make a donation to a charity, which is the majority of my charges. Those are set up on an automatic schedule, and apparently someone working for one of them physically stole my number and then went shopping online. They bought some designer accessories through some websites I've never heard of, which alerted my credit card company that it likely wasn't me doing the shopping.:glare:


Anyway, in both cases, it was someone physically stealing the numbers, not gathering them from an online source.


I try to be careful without being paranoid. Life is about balance.


What Asta's post brought up for me was this: If you see something that is just obviously "out there," it may be best to just disengage.;)

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