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We're working through SOTW with some friends in a history co-op of sorts. Some weeks we're doubling up chapters, either because the activities aren't as interesting, or because we want to move along more quickly to something else that looks like fun. For example, we covered four chapters about Mesopotamia over two weeks rather than doing a chapter a week. (We're jumping around a little as well.)


If you flip through the book you'll likely find some places where you'll be happy to speed up (or slow down!).

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Our goal is to do SOTW 4 days a week-we didn't always meet that goal last semester- and do one section a day. You'll notice that each chapter is broken up into 2-4 sections. I did our schedule for the rest of the year and if we stick to the 4 day a week plan we'll finish by the end of May.

Edited by Tam101
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Guest janainaz

We do SOTW 4 days a week and do one chapter per week. Most chapters are composed of two sections. On chapters that only have one section, we double up that week and complete two chapters.

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Hi Butterfly! I emailed you today (finally) :tongue_smilie:.


For SOTW I always find a few chapters that I can double up on since we try to school for about 36-38 weeks a year. Most years we end up doing a little history in the summer though, just b/c we always find a few things we want to camp out on and enjoy a bit longer than a week. :)


We do history 4 days a week for about 20-30 minutes a day depending how much conversation we get into based off of what we read. When I started SOTW we did the formal written narrations, ds illustrated it, we did all the discussion questions, mapwork and color pages from the AG. Occassionally we would squeeze in one of the activities. Because of needing to simplify now we read the chapter one day and he narrates back to me (CM style). The next day we listen to the audio CD in the car and we do the discussion questions from the AG. The following 2 days we read any extra books I was able to snag from the library and we may look up some videos to go along with what we're studying on Discovery Streaming.


Hope that helps.

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In first grade we went through every chaper, one chapter per week, and first grade took FOREVER. in second grade i went through the chapters at the beginning of the year, and picked six chapters that I didn't think were all that crucial. For those chapters I just read them aloud when we came to them, and then went on to the next chapter. This was a much better option for us.

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I tend to spend more time on chapters related to American history and western European history, ands somewhat less time on chapters related to the history of events in other countries that are somewhat more obscure. We do cover those chapters, but we spend less time on the related literature selections and activities.


For example, this week we read about the Boxer rebellion in SOTW 4. We did the map work, read about China, ordered Chinese food, and tried to eat it with chopsticks :tongue_smilie: but we didn't check out books from the library about the Boxer rebellion.


One nice thing about SOTW is that you can tailor the curriculum to meet the priorities of your family. If you happen to be of Chinese descent, it may be important to you to spend a great deal more time on the history of China than it was for us :)


When we were reading about the Civil War, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, I spent a lot more time on those chapters because that was a higher priority in our case.

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For us, it depends on how many resources we find. We just do the text plus whatever books we can find from the lists at the library. I do one section a day with the books that coordinate with that section. We do SOTW three times a week. At that pace, I don't think we'll have any problem being finished by the end of the year.

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