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Which is better scripted and easier to follow for LA


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I think they're both easy to understand, with clear instruction and a sequential, logical progression in new skills that are introduced.


Neither is exactly scripted, but they have explicit directions. Rod and Staff's teachers guide is much better though and that may make it easier to teach in the later grades.


I only have experience with R&S 6 and CLE 2 at this time.


They're both very solid programs, I would look at your dc's learning style and go from there. I prefer R&S because of the writing component and I just like it better for some reason, but one of my kids is thriving on the spiraling of CLE and the fact that they are workbooks, so they can be written in.

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CLE or Rod & Staff? We are using CLE but I read a lot of good things about R&S for LA too. Which program is easier to teach, more hand holding and just easier to understand?


I found CLE to be easier for the kids to use independently. We used R&S for 2-3 years, and switched 2 years ago to CLE. The kids do it alone, and only ask me if they have questions. They really like the workbook format, although they have very different personalities, learning abilities, and styles. But I don't think you can go wrong with either one - they are excellent and quite thorough.

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I really like R&S. The TM has daily oral review, shows me how to present the lesson, contains answers, and has the student text pages right there. I have dd do a worksheet after our lesson (about 5min. of teaching) if there is a worksheet. And if not, she does a couple sentences from each section. Before she begins her independent work, I spend about 5 minutes doing some of the sections on the white board with her and also orally, then leave her to do her written part.


I think parent/child interaction is important in grammar and writing. I think it helps with retention as well when we are able to briefly discuss it. And I can quickly see any areas she needs extra practice with from the daily oral review.

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  • 1 year later...

I grade my children's CLE work daily w/ a red pen while they watch. We discuss anything they get wrong. Quizzes and tests are every Friday, which comprise their grades. My children both have A's in all CLE subjects. We love it!

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