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EXPERIENCED Users of Rod and Staff Math

Dina in Oklahoma

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Hello ~


My DD is currently using Rod and Staff 4th grade math along with LOF (supplement) with excellent results. We have decided to continue with this combination through 6th grade.


My question is, if you have switched from R&S 6th grade or after, WHAT did you switch to and WHY??? :confused1::001_unsure::confused1:





Edited by Dina in Oklahoma
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I stuck with Rod and Staff the whole way with my oldest, and haven't decided what to do with my youngest yet. He's mid-way through the 6th grade text (but in 7th grade). So I can't help you much. I think folks who use R&S like it and stick with it.


There are lots of interested in the Fireworks Press (?) grammar and language arts materials, which I think are written by Michael Clay Thompson. You could peek at those threads, usually labeled MCT.





Thank you, I like R&S english also and I am checking out MCT, but I was referring to math in this post.


Dina :001_smile:

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Now that I've recovered from my embarrassment, and figured out your question, here's my do-over answer. We used R&S math through 5th grade, then switched to Singapore. We used 5B for review, very quickly, then moved through 6A & B at a regular pace in 6th grade, and now are starting New Elementary Math.


My son's biggest gripe about Rod & Staff math was that he hated copying problems. I mean, hated with a purple passion. Using a workbook was a blessing for us, in terms of attitude. I also learned how to teach using Singapore, which is a little counter-intuitive, since you'd think that R&S would have lead me through that process with their scripted lessons. Using Singapore forced (not the right word, but you get my drift) me to address my son's needs and teach him, rather than teach a program.

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