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Writing for a 6th Grader


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I'm in a quandry about what to do for writing this fall. Here is what I don't want to use: IEW, Wordsmith, Meaningful Composition-these are too "wordy" for my son. He's tired of writing "flowery" paragraphs. I'm also not wanting to use CW-too much for me! He did Writing Tales 1 and 2, so I think we're good with that type of writing.


I'm wondering about using a standard text from a boxed curriculum, such as Abeka and BJU. Or what about CLE, R&S, etc? I don't know of these are worthwhile or not. I really have no idea what to do with him next year!! Any ideas?

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I don't know if this would fit the bill or not, but at least it's not one that you mentioned you don't want to use. We are using Write Shop for 6th-7th-8th grade. Part of the goal of WS is to teach the student to be more descriptive (flowery?) and to vary their sentence style. This is good for my ds who tends to be repetitive and bare bones.


You may read my review here.

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I'm in a quandry about what to do for writing this fall. Here is what I don't want to use: IEW, Wordsmith, Meaningful Composition-these are too "wordy" for my son. He's tired of writing "flowery" paragraphs. I'm also not wanting to use CW-too much for me! He did Writing Tales 1 and 2, so I think we're good with that type of writing.


I'm wondering about using a standard text from a boxed curriculum, such as Abeka and BJU. Or what about CLE, R&S, etc? I don't know of these are worthwhile or not. I really have no idea what to do with him next year!! Any ideas?


Have you heard SWB's newest writing lectures from the PHP conference? There are three, one for each of the learning stages. And you can adapt the ideas to what he is interested in/what you are having him study for science/history/literature.

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