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s/o for amsunshine about Singapore-would love to hear how you do the extra books!


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Would you mind posting how a day or week would look for you in Singapore with regard to how you are plugging in the extra books?


I have the HIG but I'm not sure how to plug in the extra books-CWP, IP. I like your idea of using the tests instead of the EP and would love to see how you do it! Thanks!


Anyone else can chime in too with how they are using the extra books! I'd love to see specifics!

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I lay out the lesson using the HiG (mainly to have an idea of extra activities to add in; suggestions of good places to add the Mental Maths).


We do the textbook and related workbook problems, adding in mental math and other activities that are suggested in the HiG.


Once we're a day or so into the chapter topic, I start in with the CWP. We generally do a page a day (depending on both our energy levels and any issues with understanding). I'll do the Extra Practice pages (and/or add in from Miquon or other workbooks) as needed throughout a chapter. I don't do Miquon in order by the books, but rather pick topics that mesh with what we're studying in Singapore.


I generally don't do the IP pages until we have finished or mostly finished the text and workbook. My son finds them a lot tougher.


I'll also add in iExcel at different points. I like the demonstrations of the bar diagrams for word problems in the back. They were very helpful for me in 1B and have worked well with 2 as well.


It is a lot of juggling with different books, but it doesn't take me too much time to lay out a chapter.


I use a day for the text review and a day for the workbook review before moving on to the next chapter. I try to pace along the lines in the HiG to cover the material in a year for A and B.

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Sure. This is what is working for us so far. My dd8 will finish 2b in a couple more weeks, and my dd6 will finish 1b this week.


I read through the HIG before I introduce a lesson. I'll typically do the activities in the HIG with dc first. This will include any mental math drill either referenced in the HIG for that day, or I'll pick a drill that I think dc needs to do. Then, we open the textbook and go over the material/problems in there. Finally, I assign the workbook page(s) for that lesson. I correct the workbook exercises, and if dc has missed any problems, I hand the book back to her to redo. I let her try to figure out her own mistake first, and then if she needs additional help, I'll work with her to re-teach.


I usually wait until the end of the chapter (but prior to the review section), to assign the IP/CWP sections on the topic just covered. I assign about 2-3 pages per day of IP, along with a few CWP problems per day. If dc hasn't finished the IP in 2-3 days, I'll continue on to the review sections and, in addition, keep assigning a little IP and a little CWP until it is done. Occasionally, I may skip a section or two of the IP, if it seems like overkill, but not CWP.


We do the text review sections orally, together -- just like a lesson. Then, I'll assign the workbook review section for dc to do that day.


The next day, I'll give dc the cumulative test A from the tests book. If dc seems to need more practice, I'll go over any problem areas and then give test B. I prefer test A, because it is fill in the blank, and I often don't need to use test B.


The tests book also has two tests for each lesson in the textbook. If, after doing the workbook exercises, I feel dc need a little more practice, I'll typically add test A for that section the next day, just prior to doing the lesson for that day. I don't use all the tests -- only if it seems like dc needs the extra practice. However, I do use the cumulative test As without fail.


This is what works for us. Using it this way, sometimes takes a little longer to get through each book than how the HIG schedules it, but not by much.


Hope that makes sense.

Edited by amsunshine
added some more...
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We are in 2B and should be done in March.

We sit down and do the text together. If he has trouble vocalizing anything, I do some extra examples on whiteboard (my drawing is getting better). Once he can talk me through it, we start the workbook. If kiddo is not getting it easily, I help him with the problem by drawing it out on the whiteboard, as I've introduced bar diagrams already.


If he doesn't say "I get it!" and plow through the last few, the next day I do EP. When we get to the end of a chapter, I take the review slowly, and work in some IP problems.


When we are working on something hard, I might take a day off and do the CWP of the year before.


I also keep a running list of topics that are not completely solid, such as right now we are doing division, but I know the mental math section in the prior chapter was not solid, I might break out a few problems doing it, or find a real-life example.


Once we are done with 2B, I will spend the rest of the year (to 1 Aug) playing card games and dice games and doing real-life problems, and dipping back into IP and CWP just to keep his pencil in. I start some very, very gentle intro to the next year topic.



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This is really helpful. I am printing your responses to pore over. Singapore is such a different kind of program-you can't really just progress straight through in a fluid manner; I'm still trying to get with the flow of it, and these answers will help! THANK you! (But be warned: I may have more questions after I think this through some more! lol! )

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