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I guess i just need to vent

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and i'm not even going to worry about capitalizing! my 22 year old daughter has several learning disabilities so much so that she has a job coach. well, she was recently fired from a very well known excercise facility where the parents could bring their kids to be watched while the parents excercised. that was my daughter's job. she had worked at various centers in this same company for about 3 years. they fired her at this last one because they said she wasn't performing to their standards. they said she had several incidences against her but she was only called into her supervisor's office one time and she never, ever signed anything. we tried to file for unemployment for her but she was denied. apparently we live in a state where a company doesn't have to have a reason to fire you. i wouldn't ever believe this except that the woman from unemployment told me this. i've filed an anti discrimination suit against this huge company and got a response back from them and it was from a huge law firm around here. there is no way that I as a single mom on a single income can fight against a huge company and their huge law firm. i feel so badly for my daughter. i'm not saying she's perfect because she isn't but i do feel she was fired wrongly (i was in her supervisor's office 5 minutes after they fired her, along with her "job coach" who didn't do a blasted thing to help her) so I do know what their "grounds" were. I guess i always thought that if you were terminated, you should have at least had to have signed something saying you know why you were. this poor kid didn't sign anything. i feel badly that this kid can never catch a break. her life has been so hard and she is such a sweet, sweet girl. thanks for letting me vent.

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Thanks you guys. That's another part of this "situation". She isn't "disabled enough" to get services other than a job coach but she's not "normal" and I use that term very, very loosely, to be able to understand everything that is expected of her due to ADHD and an auditory processing issue among other things.

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