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What to do with all these books!!!!

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My BIL recently passed away. He was a preacher for over 20 years and an avid reader. We are trying to help clean out his office at his church and there are 1000s of books. I have only sorted through 3 containers so far and I am already overwhelmed. There is every kind of book you could imagine. For instance he must have every book Billy Grahm ever wrote and many many many more! His wife has no place to put them and no interest in keeping them. What should I do with all of them. We will be keeping some but dont have near enough room to keep even half of them. I cant imagine how much effort it would take to list all of them for sale not to mention the shipping. Any ideas?

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Sorry for your loss.


Two options come to mind. You could donate them to the church do they could start their own reference library, or you could donate them to your local library.


Another option.


If there is a christian college or theological school nearby I am sure they would be glad to add to their library and/or would know some ministry students and preachers who would could use them.

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I don't want to dis' the public library, but I don't donate to mine anymore. Our library only keeps popular books. If there isn't enough general interest, they will sell the book at their booksale. If it doesn't sell, they destroy it.


If you don't find a church or school interested in taking the books, I recommend http://bookmooch.com/. I imagine my books going to someone else who will love them as much as I do. And credits you earn from giving your books away can help you with your book budget.

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