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What would you do ???

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Hello ~


I just posted yesterday about the wonderful experience I had purchasing from this board; then, my second item purchased from the board arrived in the mail. I was extremely disappointed. The item had been listed in excellent condition but in truth was far from.


The book had ripped pages that had been taped, the cornrers of the book were curled up and tattered, it was clearly worn. I didn't pay a great deal for it, but it bothers me that it was listed as excellent when it would be considered acceptable by Ebay standards.


What would you do? Should I contact the seller or just chalk it up to experience?




Dina :001_smile:

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I'm sorry this happened to you. I haven't had this experience as a buyer, but I have sold a lot of curriculum on another board so I thought I'd give my thoughts.


An honest seller would give you your money back in this case, but if this seller posted dishonestly, that probably won't happen. So, I suggest you do both of your ideas - both chalk it up to experience, and also contact the seller. Be honest about your perception of the condition of the book and see what she says. It's possible that it was a difference of judgement, i.e. SHE thought it was excellent condition, maybe compared to some of the other books in her house? ;) Just let her know what you think so she's aware that you're aware, if that makes sense.


As a seller, I try to describe my books and curriculum accurately, and make buyers aware of any flaws. Some buyers ask very specific questions about the books, i.e. whether there are any tears in the pages, marks in the book, bent covers, musty smells, etc. I'm happy to answer these questions. If you continue to buy used books and curriculum (which has been a huge blessing to me in my homeschool journey, FWIW), you might consider asking specific questions when you buy. I appreciate when buyers do this because some people have specific concerns that I haven't addressed, such as allergies that would keep them from buying old books with musty smells.


If you pay through PayPal, you may have some recourse, but I'm not sure. At the very least, you may be able to lodge a complaint.


I know this is a long answer, but I've thought a lot about this type of issue. I think buying and selling used curriculum and books is one way we help each other as homeschoolers, especially when the economy is rough, so I want to see this practice kept alive!


Just my 2 (200?) cents. :)



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I bought a book here once that was honestly so tattered and torn, it was ridiculous. I had only paid $5 for it, so I just threw it away. It was unreadable. ridiculous! The seller was new here and barely had 50 posts. From then on, I bought only from people with positive feedback and good, established members. I know that sucks for newbies trying to sell, but I can't help that.

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I have had posititve experiences here 99% of the time. Once though, I bought a large box of books from someone who listed them in very good cond., and most of them were musty smelling, moldyish & just plain yucky! I picked the few I could stand, and got rid of the rest. This person sells a lot on here, and I just steer clear.

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