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Carbohydrate Addict's Diet...anyone do this?

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Well, my sister did fairly well with this one years ago, but it didn't last very long. (Like most diets. ;)) She talked me into trying it, but at the time I was a very experienced cook, and I was a true carb addict, so trying to find non-carb things to eat during the day was a huge struggle. I found myself just not eating at all instead of eating protein. I didn't think that was a very good thing, so I just dropped the program.


Fast forward a few years... my cooking abilities have greatly improved, and I have worked hard to add protein into my meals. I have thought about trying this diet again now that I have a greater repertoire of non-carb foods. But I just don't know about cramming all those calories in in that short of a time period. (And maybe some of the guidelines have changed, I haven't read the book in almost 10 years!) But hey, if you try it, let us know how it goes!! :D

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Not that one, although I have read it.


I am very, very pleased and healthy doing low carb (quality meat, fat and unlimited non starchy veggies with some berries and nuts).


If you are leaning (no pun intended) towards a low carb/break the carb cycle diet style, Low Carb Friends is a great support and informational site.

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